Bad Piggies – un nou joc dezvoltat de Rovio

  Saptamana trecuta cei de la Rovio anuntau lansarea unui nou titlu care va schimba atentia utilizatorilor de la celebrele pasari la prea putin iubitii porcusori. Astazi compania a publicat un comunicat de presa prin care ne anunta ca Bad Piggies

va fi denumirea noului titlu care urmeaza sa fie lansat in App Store si el ne va da posibilitatea de a juca impotriva pasarilor facute populare de jocurile anterioare. Partea interesanta a acestui joc sta in faptul ca el nu va mai avea clasica prastie, ci va introduce un nou mod de control, deci titlul se anunta a fi foarte interesant.

  Pe data de 27 septembrie vom avea Bad Piggies in App Store si atunci vom vedea tot ceea ce a gandit Rovio pentru milioanele de utilizatori care abia asteapta sa achizitioneze titlul.

Rovio to launch Bad Piggies on September 27!

Espoo, Finland- September 4, 2012 Rovio Entertainment, the creators of Angry Birds, today announced their newest game, Bad Piggies, launching September 27 for iOS, Android and Mac. This innovative game turns the franchise on its head by letting the fans play as the pigs – with all new, never-before-seen gameplay – and not a slingshot in sight!

“There’s a lot of empathy towards the lovable enemies from the Angry Birds games, and we’ve been constantly asked: what about the pigs’ side of the story?” said Mikael Hed, CEO of Rovio. “Bad Piggies gives you the chance to play as the second-most-loved characters in the Angry Birds universe, and explore this rich world through their green eyes.”

The new game will launch on iOS, Android and Mac on September 27. Windows Phone, Windows 8 and PC versions will follow shortly.

“We’ve had a lot of fun creating a totally new and unique gameplay experience,” said Petri Järvilehto, EVP Games at Rovio. “There’s so much more to these pigs than what is seen in the Angry Birds games, and Bad Piggies is the first glimpse into what’s going on in the imaginative and ingenious minds of the pigs.”

This post was last modified on sept. 4, 2012, 9:57 PM 21:57

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