Samsung va include iPhone 5 in lista de terminale pentru care se judeca, cu Apple, insa doar dupa ce va analiza dispozitivul

  Acum mai bine de o saptamana au aparut zvonuri care aveau drept sursa manageri din interiorul Samsung, care spuneau ca Apple va fi actionata in instanta de indata ce iPhone 5 va fi lansat pe piata. Motivul? Samsung spune acum oficial ca Apple ar incalca brevete de inventie ce au legatura cu retelele 4G LTE, insa acelasi lucru au spus coreenii si despre iPad 3, iar pana acum n-au reusit sa castige vreun proces impotriva Apple, desi au inclus iPad 3 in cateva actiuni intentate impotriva celor din Cupertino.

SEOUL—Samsung Electronics Co. said Thursday it will likely add Apple’s iPhone 5 to a patent-infringement lawsuit between the two companies that is proceeding through a U.S. court and due for trial in 2014. The South Korean company, in a document filed with U.S. federal court in San Jose, Calif., late Wednesday U.S. time, said it “anticipates” that it will accuse the iPhone 5 of infringing on the same patents as Apple’s earlier iPhone 4S. The company added that it needs to examine the iPhone 5 first, however. It said the change in the lawsuit will likely come “as soon as it has had a reasonable opportunity to analyze the device.”

  Nu cred ca existau persoane care sa nu se astepte ca Samsung sa dea in judecata Apple din cauza iPhone 5-ului deoarece intregul proces ar aduce multa publicitate gratuita coreenilor. Sunt de parere ca procesele acestea nu vor avea o finalitate pozitiva pentru Samsung, cel putin din punct de vedere lega, insa pe partea de publicitate exista multe de castigat.

This post was last modified on sept. 20, 2012, 3:19 PM 15:19

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