Apple pierde un apel intentat impotriva unei decizii favorabile Samsung in Marea Britanie, va trebui sa declare public ca a gresit

  Cu multe luni de zile in urma, un judecator din Marea Britanie a decis ca Apple ar fi actionat fara drept Samsung in judecata, ca ar fi afirmat incorect faptul ca Samsung ar fi copiat design-ul tabletei iPad si a dat o hotarare prin care obliga Apple sa publice scuze oficiale fata de Samsung in ziare de mare circulatie si pe website-ul sau. Apple a atacat decizia prin apel, iar astazi a pierdut acel apel, un judecator britanic dand o hotarare prin care obliga Apple sa publice anunturi in ziare si sa publice un mesaj pe website-ul sau, confirmand faptul ca Samsung nu a copiat elemente ale iPad. Aceste anunturi trebuie sa aiba fontul Arial de marimea minim 14, iar in ceea ce priveste durata de afisarea, anuntul ar putea fi public pe website-ul Apple pentru cel putin 6 luni.

Apple Inc lost its appeal over a ruling that its rival Samsung’s Galaxy tablet did not copy the iPad in a British court on Thursday. The world’s two leading smartphone makers are fighting over patents, both for smartphones and for tablets, in courts around the world. The Court of Appeal upheld its judgment that despite some similarities, Samsung did not infringe Apple’s design, in part because its products were “not as cool” as the iPad. The U.S. company was instructed to run ads saying the Korean company did not copy the iPad, both on its website and in selected newspapers. Judge Kitchin said on Thursday that the notices must be in a font size no smaller than Ariel 14.

  Samsung a castigat procesul impotriva celor de la Apple deoarece judecatorul a considerat ca Galaxy Tab nu este la fel de cool precum iPad, iar design-ul sau nu este la fel simplu si frumos. In final se pare ca avantajele tabletei iPad in fata concurentilor par sa nu ii fie chiar atat de favorabile, iar in curand s-ar putea sa vedem si anunturile rulate de catre Apple in baza acestei hotarari. Samsung Galaxy Tab a fost scoasa din vanzare in Germania, Australia si SUA(pentru o scurta periaoda de timp) in baza unor procese castigate de catre Apple, insa se pare ca in Marea Britanie judecatorii nu au tinut partea americanilor.

We continue to believe that Apple was not the first to design a tablet with a rectangular shape and rounded corners and that the origins of Apple’s registered design features can be found in numerous examples of prior art. Should Apple continue to make excessive legal claims in other countries based on such generic designs, innovation in the industry could be harmed and consumer choice unduly limited.

This post was last modified on oct. 18, 2012, 4:47 PM 16:47

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