Apple ajuta o echipa de politisti ai NYPD sa localizeze iDevice-uri furate, chiar si in afara SUA

  V-am spus ca New York-ul este unul dintre orasele in care se fura extrem de multe iDevice-uri anual si problema este atat de mare, inca NYPD-ul, New York Police Department, a hotarat sa organizeze o echipa speciala de detectivi care localizeaza aceste iDevice-uri cu ajutorul Apple. Detectivii folosesc IMEI-urile terminalelor pentru a ajuta Apple sa le localizeze si partea interesanta este ca Apple le poate descoperi indiferent in ce tara de pe glob s-ar afla ele. Daca o persoana a sesizat ca i-a fost furat iDevice-ul, aceasta raporteaza furtul la politie, politia gaseste IMEI-ul terminalului si cu ajutorul Apple il localizeaza.

Every time an Apple device is stolen, detectives attempt to get tracking numbers from the victim or online records… That number, known as the International Mobile Station Equipment Identity, is then shared with the officers in Police Headquarters who pass it on to Apple…The California-based company then informs the NYPD of the device’s current location — and it can track it even if it was reregistered with a different wireless provider. We’re looking for ways to find individuals who have stolen Apple products and return the products to their original owners,” said NYPD spokesman Paul Browne. “It is being done to learn the pattern who is stealing.

  Pana in prezent politistii par a fi avut succes in a recupera iDevice-uri, 74% dintre ele ramanand in New York dupa furt. Printre cele mai interesante cazuri se numara cel al unei tablete iPad localizare in Republica Dominicana si recuperata de catre un politist ale NYPD, dar si cel al unui hot de tablete iPad care a fost arestat intr-o statie de autobuz. Ca de obicei, terminalele furate sunt cumparate de catre persoane de buna-credinta, care in general habar nu aveau ca acele produse sunt furate si partea proasta este ca uneori dispozitivele sunt confiscate si returnate proprietarilor de drept.

One stolen iPad was tracked to the Dominican Republic and recovered with the help of an NYPD intelligence cop assigned to Santo Domingo. In another case, it busted a man suspected of selling stolen iPads at a city bus stop by tracking them with Apple’s help. “We staked out the bus stop, ID’d the suspect and arrested him. We recovered the iPad,” said Browne, who noted 74 percent of all stolen Apple devices resurface within the five boroughs.

  Ca sa fiu sincer e imbucurator de vazut ca in SUA exista orase in care politia ia in serios furturile de acest gen, lucru care nu poate fi spus si despre tara noastra.

This post was last modified on feb. 22, 2013, 7:32 PM 19:32

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