Tabletele iPad se afla pe ultimele pozitii intr-un top al tabletelor care se repara usor

  Cei de la iFixit dezasambleaza fiecare terminal mobil sau laptop nou lansat pe piata, fiecare iDevice sau Mac ajunge pe masa lor de verificari, iar website-ul s-a gandit sa faca un top al tabletelor care sunt usor de reparat. In acest top, produsele celor de la Apple ocupa, in ordine, ultimele pozitii, doar Microsoft Surface Pro

fiind mai greu de reparat. Dell XPS 10 este tableta care se repara cel mai usor, ea este urmata de Amazon Kindle Fire si Dell Streak, insa note bune au primit si tabletele Samsung.

A device with a perfect score will be relatively inexpensive to repair because it is easy to disassemble and has a service manual available. Points are docked based on the difficulty of opening the device, the types of fasteners found inside, and the complexity involved in replacing major components. Points are awarded for upgradability, use of non-proprietary tools for servicing, and component modularity.

  In lista de mai jos aveti ordonate tabletele, iar punctajul mare este acordat pentru tabletele care se repara usor.

This post was last modified on feb. 28, 2013, 6:02 PM 18:02

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