Mark Zuckerberg vorbeste despre relatia dintre Facebook si Apple


  Aseara Mark Zuckerberg, CEO-ul Facebook, a prezentat Facebook Home pe scena unei conferinte, a raspuns la destule intrebari si a vorbit despre relatia dintre Facebook si Apple. A fost desigur intrebat daca Facebook Home va ajunge vreodata in iOS, iar raspunsul sau nu a socat pe nimeni, Facebook neputand controla ceea ce face Apple. Zuckerberg sustine ca Facebook colaboreaza cu Apple pentru implementarea de functii noi legate de reteaua de socializare, probabil s-a discutat si despre implementarea Facebook Home, insa avand in vedere ca iOS-ul este un sistem inchis, doar Apple decide ce intra sau iese din el.

We have a pretty good partnership with Apple, but they want to own the whole experience themselves. There aren’t a lot of bridges between us and Google, but we are aligned with their open philosophy. So do you think in, say, two years you will have this on the iPhone? “That’s above my pay grade to be able to answer that.” Look, I would love for that answer to be yes. Facebook is in a very different place than Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsung, and Microsoft. We are trying to build a community. We have a billion folks using our services now, and we want to get to 3 or 5 billion one day. We’re going to do that by building the best experience across all devices. Android is growing quickly, and we’re excited that the platform is open and that it allows us to build these great experiences.

  Facebook nu are o relatie chiar atat de grozava cu Google, insa modificarea Android-ul se face mult mai usor, iar Facebook prefera sa ofere Home-ul pentru zeci sau sute de milioane de utilizatori, preferand sa nu apeleze la iOS. In Android, Facebook Home reprezinta o modificare substantiala a experientei de utilizare a terminalelor mobile, in iOS acest lucru ar fi imposibil, Apple trebuind sa modifice Springboard-ul si sa ofere Facebook-ului prim-planul in iOS-ul sau, lucru pe care cei din Cupertino nu il vor face vreodata.

This post was last modified on apr. 5, 2013, 10:05 AM 10:05

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