iLens – conceptul unei camere “Apple” pe care oricine si-ar dori sa o aiba

  Inainte ca Steve Jobs sa revina in functia de CEO al companiei Apple, cei din Cupertino produceau o serie de camere care nu s-au bucurat de prea multa popularitate pentru ca nu erau chiar atat de bune si nu faceau poze grozave. Steve Jobs a decis sa puna capat rusinii si a scos camerele din productie, iar de atunci si pana acum compania americana nu a mai produs vreun alt dispozitiv asemanator, insa a decis sa implementeze camere in iPhone, iPad sau iPod Touch si a decis sa le imbunatateasca anual.

Dual lens system on the iLens provides you with an option to click with the 50mm prime lens on the main device. Magnetically attachable zoom and telephoto lens give you more dynamic photography options. The magnetically attachable lens sits on top of the primary device lens, which is the 50mm prime lens. The lens and the device communicate to each other via NFC Standard. Gesture sensitive lens casing provide with lens zoom and focus manipulation. Also, an integrated ring type flash unit around the lens casing avoids any shadow cast by the lens. This makes the iLens a powerful camera with a full size image sensor that is genuinely pocket-able. The cubical design for the lens casing, instead of the traditional and a much familiar cylindrical design, was taken into consideration for ease of storage. As DSLR lens do roll away, if handled carelessly. Unlike a DSLR, the image sensor is sealed behind the 50mm prime lens, so there is no chance of sensor dust damage during lens changes. A scratch resistant UV filter tops the lens, so there is no need for a lens cap.

  Daca Apple nu se gandeste sa produca o noua camera, cineva s-a gandit sa dezvolte un concept al iLens, o camera mirrorless foarte subtire care permite atasarea unei lentile principale de 50mm. Folosind un sistem magnetic pot fi atasate lentile telepohoto care permit efectuarea de zoom la distante mari, acestea fiind amplasate direct deasupra lentilei principale. Lentilele si camera comunica prin intermediul unei conexiune NFC, iar partea interesanta este ca lentilele pot fi manipulate prin gesturi.

  iLens vine echipata cu un Retina Display de 4.8 inch, chip A8, si un design extrem de atragator, un asemenea produs putand atrage enorm de multi consumatori. Practic avem in fata un concept al unei camere a viitorului pe care probabil nu o va produce vreo companie.

This post was last modified on apr. 25, 2013, 10:05 AM 10:05

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