Yahoo! Weather is Better transforma noul aplicatie Yahoo! Weather in aplicatia Weather nativa a iOS

  Cu doua saptamani de zile in urma Yahoo! a lansat in App Store aplicatia Yahoo! Weather, probabil una dintre cele mai bune aplicatii care afiseaza informatii despre vreme. Avand in vedere ca Apple nu o va transforma vreodata in aplicatia nativa a iOS-ului, un dezvoltator s-a gandit sa lanseze tweak-ul Yahoo! Weather is Better

. Acest tweak ne da posibilitatea de a alege ca atunci cand accesam icontia aplicatiei Weather, sau widget-ul acesteia din LockScreen, sa fim directionati catre aplicatia Yahoo! Weather.

Reroutes the stock weather bulletin in Notification Center to open the Yahoo! Weather application. Also reroutes the stock icon. You have the option to Enable/Disable icon or bulletin reroutes in Settings. Configure options from Settings.

  Desigur ca ar fi mult mai simplu sa mutam iconita aplicatiei Yahoo! Weather in locul celei vechi, insa pentru cei comozi exista si acest nou tweak. Yahoo! Weather is Better este disponibil gratuit in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on mai 2, 2013, 8:13 AM 08:13

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