Overview – ne ofera posibilitatea de a controla diverse aplicatii prin Notifications Center (Video)

  Overview este un widget despre care v-am vorbit saptamana trecuta, cand v-am spus ca el ne va oferi posibilitatea de a controla functionalitatea catorva aplicatii direct din Notifications Center, sau poate chiar din HomeScreen. Daca va uitati la clipul video de mai sus veti observa ca prin el putem citi/sterge/trimite email-uri, putem adauga intrari in aplicatia Calendar sau le putem manipula pe cele existente, putem scrie notite in aplicatia Notes, putem vizualiza informatii despre data si deocamdata atat.

Compatible with iOS 6. Overview, a widget for managing different items in one place, puts your Mails, Reminders and Events together in your notification center. With a cleaner and simpler interface, it is more convenient and easier to manage different items with gestures and quick actions, e.g. mark as read/complete or delete. It also integrates with buttons from Tap to Widgets (required installed) for adding different items (e.g. reminders, events, note) quickly in notification center. With third-party tweak, LockInfo or IntelliScreenX, installed, it can be put on Lock Screen to maximize its functionality and convenience. NotificationCenter addons can be configured from the Settings app, in the Notifications panel.

  Saptamana trecuta Overview era doar in stadiul de concept, insa acum este disponibil pentru download in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia la pretul de 2$. Widget-ul functioneaza doar pe terminalele care au iOS 6 instalat.

This post was last modified on iun. 10, 2013, 8:21 AM 08:21

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