Statul american California va cumpara tablete iPad in valoare de 30 de milioane de dolari pentru scoli

  Saptamana trecuta v-am spus ca o scoala din Los Angeles isi premiaza elevii cu masini si tablete iPad, iar acum Apple sustine ca a obtinut un contract in valoare de 30 de milioane de dolari in baza caruia va furniza tablete iPad catre scolile din status California. Aceasta investitie face parte dintr-o prima faza a unui proiect de investitii in baza caruia districtul scolar unificat al Los Angeles-ului va implementa tablete iPad

in 47 de campusul in cursul acestei toamne. Conform comunicatului de presa al Apple, alegerea tabletelor iPad a fost facuta de catre Consiliul Educational al Los Angeles-ului in unanimitate de voturi, popularitatea, calitatea si pretul redus al produselor fiind unele dintre caracterele definitorii.

  Anuntul este unul extrem de important pentru compania Apple, deoarece o pozitioneaza in atentia marilor institutii educationale din SUA si de pe glob, iar alte contracte cel putin la fel de profitabile ar putea fi incheiate in viitor.

Apple Awarded $30 Million iPad Deal From LA Unified School District

CUPERTINO, California―June 19, 2013―Apple® today announced it received the Los Angeles School Board of Education’s approval to begin a massive roll out of iPad® to its students across the school district starting this fall. The $30 million commitment for iPads is the first phase of a larger roll out for the country’s second-largest public school district. 

“Education is in Apple’s DNA and we’re thrilled to work with Los Angeles Unified public schools on this major initiative as they plan to roll out iPads to every student across 47 campuses this fall,” said Philip Schiller, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing. “Schools around the world have embraced the engaging and interactive quality of iPad with nearly 10 million iPads already in schools today.”

“The Board voted unanimously for Apple because iPad rated the best in quality, was the least expensive option and received the highest scoring by the review panel that included students and teachers,” said Jaime Aquino, LAUSD Deputy Superintendent of Instruction. “The vote is another step forward in the District’s plan to equip every one of its students with a device by 2014. When completed, the LAUSD will become the largest district in the nation to provide each of its students with the technology.”

Apple will provide iPads that include the Pearson Common Core System of Courses delivered via a new app as part of the integrated solution. Apps such as iWork®, iLife® and iTunes®, in addition to a range of educational third-party apps are also included.

Apple designs Macs, the best personal computers in the world, along with OS X, iLife, iWork and professional software. Apple leads the digital music revolution with its iPods and iTunes online store. Apple has reinvented the mobile phone with its revolutionary iPhone and App Store, and is defining the future of mobile media and computing devices with iPad.

This post was last modified on iun. 19, 2013, 9:23 PM 21:23

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