Telefoanele Samsung beneficiaza de cele mai mari subventii din partea operatorilor de telefonie mobila

  Desi timp de ani de zile compania Apple a fost blamata pentru modul in care ii forteaza pe operatorii de telefonie mobila sa acorde subventii mari terminalelor iPhone, un studiu recent demonstreaza faptul ca Samsung si HTC obtin reduceri mult mai bune pentru propriile terminale. Nivelul de subventie acordat terminalelor Samsung este de 84% din pretul de baza al terminalului, in cazul HTC vorbim despre o subventie de 80%, iar in cazul terminalelor iPhone vorbim despre o subventie de 74%.

ABI Research reports that the average US implied subsidy for Samsung devices is 84% as compared to Apple 74% and HTC 80%, although absolute value of subsidy is $110 higher for the average Apple product. OEMs and their carrier partners increasingly have to continue to employ highly tactical methods to make sure that their devices are subsidized to a competitive price point in order to help prevent consumers acting to avoid their product on price point alone.

  Practic Samsung ofera preturi mult mai competitive decat concurentii sai si asta in baza faptului ca are un portofoliu atat de mare de produse si controleaza o portiune atat de mare din piata globala de telefoane mobile. Chiar daca statistica este baza pe informatii obtinute de la operatorii de telefonie mobila din SUA, vorbim despre una dintre cele mai importante piete de pe glob, o piata in care cei de la Apple sunt lideri, cand vine vorba despre vanzarile generate de fiecare producator in parte.

The smartphone market in particular is entering a new phase focusing on execution and price, rather than innovation and value. Samsung’s scale and supply chain excellence is allowing it to put its competitors under increasing price pressure and win market share. This is a major concern for the rest of the market, especially for smaller, less efficient vendors, as margins will be squeezed and overall market value reduced.

  Ceea ce se intampla in SUA poate fi extrem de usor observat si in Romania, preturile terminalelor Samsung vandute in tara noastra fiind in destule cazuri mai mici decat preturile terminalelor iPhone, subventia fiind desigur mai mare.

This post was last modified on iun. 29, 2013, 7:58 AM 07:58

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