Ashton Kutcher a avut nevoie de 3 luni de zile pentru a invata invata sa se comporte precum Steve Jobs

  Aseara in San Francisco a avut loc o ecranizare a peliculei jOBS, presa fiind invitata pentru a asista la eveniment si a pune intrebari starului Ashton Kutcher, insa si echipei de productie. In cadrul sesiunii de intrebari si raspunsuri, Kutcher a explicat ca a avut de nu mai putin de 3 luni de zile pentru a invata cum sa se comporte precum fostul CEO al Apple, iar aici includem mersul specific lui Jobs. Separat de gesturi si miscari, Kutcher a ajuns chiar sa studieze cartile pe care Jobs le citea, totul in ideea de a incerca sa gandeasca, partial macar, precum fostul CEO.

I think Steve was extraordinarily loyal to people he felt were loyal to him. And I don’t think that he had a historical relationship in his life that he felt that – that he trusted other people’s loyalty so I think he was sparing with his. So I think that he would define loyalty in a very different way. He’d probably get defensive if you’d ask because his loyalty had probably been questioned so often in his life. But I think that he was loyal to his vision and he was loyal to the one thing he wanted to bring to the world … I think he was loyal to what he was trying to achieve. If you were loyal to that too then he loved you and if you didn’t then you didn’t understand him.

  Mergand mai departe, Kutcher sustine ca Jobs considera ca oamenii din jurul sau ii sunt extrem de loiali si relatia sa cu ei se baza pe aceasta loialitate. Steve privea loialitatea intr-un mod diferit fata de restul persoanelor, el nefiind o persoana sentimentala, alegand tot timpul sa traiasca in trecut. In romania pelicula jOBS va fi lansata in cinematografe pe data de 23 august sub denumirea Steve Jobs. Omul care a schimbat lumea, iar in acest articol gasiti mai multe detalii.

This post was last modified on iul. 27, 2013, 9:18 AM 09:18

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