Reclamele anti-Apple au schimbat radical perceptia lumii intregi cu privire la Samsung

  Anul trecut cei de la Samsung publicau o serie de clipuri video in care atacau nu doar Apple, ci si clientii care mergeau sa achizitioneze produsele companiei. Intr-un interviu acordat unui ziar australian, seful departamentului de marketing al Samsung Australia sustine ca acele reclame au reprezentat un punct de cotitura pentru Samsung si modul in care este privind brandul la nivel international. El spune ca Samsung a avut atunci curajul sa puna in prim-plan aspecte pe care alte companii nu le evidentiau, iar acest lucru a ajutat foarte mult la cresterea notorietatii companiei.

That really did mark quite a tipping point for us globally. We were able to tell a cheeky story – if you think about it, we’re a Korean company starting to really mess with the order of things.  We’ve been able to do some good things from that [campaign]. The interesting thing about it from my perspective is that some of it is not the best work you’ve ever seen, some of it is the best work you’ve ever seen, but it’s getting people talking, that’s what I really love about it. 

You’ve got fanboys after fanboys going, ‘You can’t put that out there’, and then the Samsung fans saying, ‘Yes, you can’, and they’re starting to have that conversation, which is brilliant. So that piece of content has been amazing for us, both globally and here in Australia.

  Era normal ca Samsung sa fie in mintea multor clienti Apple din moment ce compania coreeana ii ataca in mod direct, insa desi s-a prezis ca aceste spoturi publicitare nu vor avea succes, iata ca in final s-a intamplat exact contrariul. Samsung a castigat extrem de mult de pe urma lor, a reusit sa isi creasca considerabil vanzarile, iar pe termen lung se pare ca va avea si mai multe de castigat.

This post was last modified on aug. 13, 2013, 5:07 PM 17:07

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