miLock Simple – un Lockscreen interesant pentru iDevice-ul tau (Video)

  miLock Simple este un mod lansat in cursul acestei seri in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem modifica aspectul Lockscreen-ului iDevice-urilor noastre, exact precum vedeti in clipul video de mai sus. Separat de modificarile de design prin care ne sunt afisate informatii despre vreme, si nu numai, in LockScreen, mod-ul are implementat si un sistem de gesturi prin care ne da posibilitatea de a intreprinde diverse actiuni. Mai exact, putem afisa imagini din Camera Roll si putem face trecerea de la una la alta, putem schimba informatiile care sunt afisate pentru noi, si multe, multe altele.

miLock Simple uses swipe gestures and touch functions to move around the lockscreen. Tap and Hold on wallpaper = Wallpaper keypad will popup. Swipe Down while keypad is shown = close keypad/reload config. Swipe Left on wallpaper = Go to previous image in camera roll. Swipe Right on wallpaper = Go to next image in camera roll. Swipe Up on Wallpaper = Show battery (Requires InfoStats). Swipe Down on Wallpaper = Show weather. Swipe Down on Weather = Show Forecast. Swipe Left on Forecast = Once (Show precip) Twice (Shows ext desc) Third (more info) Fourth (close). Swipe Right on weather = close weather.

  miLock Simple este disponibil in repo-ul ZodTTD & MacCiti al Cydia si este compatibil cu iPhone/iPod Touch.

This post was last modified on sept. 4, 2013, 10:20 PM 22:20

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