HTC critica Apple pentru lipsa de inovatie din iPhone 5S

  La foarte scurt timp dupa incheierea evenimentului de prezentare al iPhone 5S, cei de la HTC au publicat pe propriul website un articol in care critica lipsa de inovatie din iPhone 5S

. Dupa o descriere foarte lunga a functiilor HTC One, cei de la HTC pun o serie de intrebari utilizatorilor, ele avand la baza faptul ca Apple a decis sa pastreze intact design-ul iPhone 5S, sa implementeze o camera usor mai buna si sa lanseze seria de terminale iPhone 5C, care in afara carcasei colorate sunt practic terminale iPhone 5.

Compare the HTC One that to what you saw today. An iPhone 5 that looks the same as the one before it, and the one before that. But it’s made out of metal! It features a camera with bigger pixels! And there’s a second line of phones made with colored plastic unibodies! Sound familiar? We’re not pretending we have all the answers. We’re just saying that if you’re going to change, why not go big? Why not choose real change and offer a genuinely new experience? Check out our program that lets you swap your iPhone for credit towards a new HTC One. Join all the others who have been Happy To Change.

  Desigur ca HTC are cateva puncte valide in articolul sau, insa dorinta de a atrage atentia i-a motivat sa aduca totul in atentia publicului.

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