Steve Wozniak si alti fosti angajati Apple vorbesc despre adevarul si fictiunea din filmul jOBS (Video)

  Pelicula jOBS a fost lansata acum o luna si jumatate de zile in cinematografele din lumea intreaga si multi au afirmat ca ea prezinta mai multa fictiune decat adevaru, fosti angajati Apple sustinand aceste afirmatii. Desi pana recent nimeni nu i-a adunat in aceeasi camera pe fostii angajati ai companiei pentru a ii intreba adevarul, un post TV local din California a facut-o si in clipul video de mai sus gasiti toate informatiile interesante. Pentru inceput, Wozniak spune ca Jobs a trebuit sa fie convins sa participe la clubul Homebrew pentru a vedea cat succes are calculatorul conceput de prietenul sau, filmul prezentand exact contrariul.

I pulled him to the club and showed him all the people around me. And he got the idea that we could sell them. I would have given them away for free. This is the complete opposite of the movie,” interjected show host John Vink. “In the movie we had Steve Jobs trying to convince you [Woz] to come to HomeBrew and you said ‘Nah, I don’t wanna go.’

  Dupa ce Mac-ul a devenit popular, produsele celor de la Apple au inceput sa iasa rapid din gratiile consumatorilor, Steve Jobs reusind doar sa cheltuie banii companiei pe modele care nu generau vanzarile necesare pentru a mentine compania in functiune. Mai multe informatii despre esecurile lui Jobs si ale produselor pe care acesta incerca sa le aduca pe piata puteti afla urmarind clipul video de mai sus.

I think he was taking it real hard that he’d failed for a third computer he’d tried to create and his vision really didn’t understand you have to build a market, it takes time, you aren’t going to sell 50,000 on day one. And meanwhile, we had to save the company. The real situation was that the Mac failed terribly. Totally. We built a factory to build 50,000 of them and we were selling 500 a month. Steve had cancelled projects because they could only sell 2,000 a month. I tell that story a little bit differently. The Mac did sell a lot of units initially, because of its novelty, because of its positive qualities. In June of 1984 it sold over 60,000 units. So they upped the forecast because Christmas was the big time and they thought they’d sell 80,000 units. 

This post was last modified on oct. 2, 2013, 10:02 PM 22:02

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