J.D. Power sustine ca tabletele Samsung genereaza, in randum consumatorilor, satisfactie mai mare decat iPad doar pentru ca sunt mai ieftine

  Saptamana aceasta v-am spus ca unul dintre cele mai apreciate studii de piata in domeniul produselor electronice a plasat tabletele Samsung peste tabletele iPad in ceea ce priveste gradul de satisfactie generat in randul consumatorilor. Apple se lauda pana in prezent cu aceste studii, insa tabletele Samsung au reusit sa obtina un punctaj infim mai bun decat iPad in statisticile celor de la J.D. Power, iar “suprematia” lor are la baza doar o singura caracteristica, una care in final s-ar putea sa nu conteze prea mult pentru unii.

  Explicandu-si decizia de a plasa tabletele Samsung in top, cei de la J.D. Power sustin ca doar pretul a ajutat tabletele sa ajunga acolo, in restul criteriilor de clasificare tabletele iPad iesind castigatoare. Fara a oferi detalii despre punctajul acordat in fiecare categorie de clasificare, cei de la J.D. Power explica in textul de mai jos ca diferenta dintre tabletele iPad si cele ale Samsung este mai mare decat suma diferentei dintre toate celelalte caracteristici de clasificare, insa ramane pentru fiecare in parte sa inteleaga ce vrea de aici.

  Practic, J.D. Power ne spune ca e ok sa dai 200$ pe o tableta care iti ofera o experienta mediocra sau mai slaba, iar diferenta de 100$ in pret fata de o tableta iPad nu justifica plasarea ei pe o pozitie mai buna.

Thank you for your interest in the  2013 U.S. Tablet Satisfaction Study–Volume 2. It’s important to note that award is given to the brand that has the highest overall index score, not the company with the most Power Circles.  In this study, the index score is comprised of customer’s ratings of five key dimensions or factors.

The Power Circles Rankings are something we provide to consumers to understand the relative rank of brands within each of these five dimensions. The Power Circle Rankings  denote the brand that has the highest score within each factor regardless of how much higher their score is.

In the case of Apple in the tablet study, although it did score higher on four out of five factors measured, its score was only marginally better than Samsung’s.  At the same time, however, Apple’s score on cost was significantly lower than that of all other brands.  In comparison Apple’s ratings on cost was more than 100 points lower than Samsung’s.  As such, even though its ratings on other factor was slightly higher than Samsung’s,  Apple’s performance on cost resulted in an overall lower score than Samsung.

In this cost-conscious environment, cost is a key factor in many products purchase and services they use.  Tablets are no exception, where cost is a key driver of the overall customer experience with their device. Although “cost” has the lowest weight among the five factors that drive satisfaction, the notable difference between Samsung’s and Apple’s score in the cost factor was enough for Samsung to rank highest in the study.

This post was last modified on nov. 2, 2013, 8:02 PM 20:02

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