iPad Mini cu Ecran Retina are un ecran mai slab decat cele ale tabletelor concurente

  V-am spus zilele trecute ca iPad Mini cu Ecran Retina

nu are un ecran la fel de bun precum cel implementat in iPad Air, insa nici la fel de bun precum cel disponibil in Google Nexus 7 (2013). Rezultatele acelor teste sunt sustinute astazi de catre un altul facut de catre un specialist in ecrane pentru terminale mobile, iar produsul celor de la Apple este din nou plasat in spatele tabletelor competitoare. Dupa cum veti vedea din imaginile prezentate mai jos, Retina Display-ul noii tablete nu afiseaza la fel de multe culori precum ecranele tabletelor concurente, insa nu le afiseaza nici la fel de bine.

It is incredibly disappointing because it produces noticeably subdued image colors. In fact, it’s almost identical to the gamuts on the much older iPad 2 and the original iPad mini. Apple has invested heavily to deliver a 100% color gamut on their full size iPads (3,4,Air) and brags extensively about this issue of color accuracy and full color. Also, a full color gamut makes the displays look really good, as good as an HDTV and encourages people to buy downloaded content, which is a very important revenue source and why Amazon has full color gamut on their tablets.

  Problema noului ecran al iPad Mini cu Ecran Retina pare sa aiba legatura cu tehnologia IGZO utilizata de catre Apple, el afisand aceeasi gama de culori precum iPad 2 sau iPad Mini, ambele avand ecrane IPS LCD normale. Desigur ca utilizatorii probabil nu vor observa vreo diferenta intre ecranele iPad Air sau ale tabletelor Android si cel al iPad Mini cu Ecran Retina, insa pentru cunoscatori va exista intotdeauna un semn de intrebare in legatura cu alegerea facuta de catre Apple.

All of this reliance on IGZO is really bad planning…Right now there is a readily available display technology that has much higher performance than IGZO. It’s Low Temperature Poly Silicon LTPS.

  In final noua tableta iPad se pozitioneaza sub concurenta in benchmark-urile Retina Display-ului si acest lucru nu este bun pentru cei de la Apple, ei laudandu-si ecranele produselor cu orice ocazie.

This post was last modified on nov. 20, 2013, 10:38 AM 10:38

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