Android TV apare in primele imagini

  Avand in vedere ca Apple TV-ul sa dovedit a fi unul dintre popularele produse ale companiei Apple, Google pregateste lansarea Android TV ca un competitor pentru micutul produs al Apple. Android TV va permite utilizatorilor sa utilizeze aplicatii si jocuri disponibile in Google Play, va avea un sistem de comenzi vocale, insa interfata sa este extrem de simpla, dupa cum puteti vedea deja din imaginile acestui articol.

“Access to content should be simple and magical,” reads one Google document, which adds that it should never take more than three clicks or gestures to go from the homescreen to enjoying a new piece of content. Even search appears to be secondary to intuitively understanding what you want and delivering it as soon as possible, though search will be still be one of Android TV’s primary tools. In addition to universal search, pressing the Search button on the controller will let you search from within individual apps as well.

  Android TV va contine suport pentru comenzi vocale, notificari si optiunea de a cauta continut multimedia pe internet, dar si sa faca recomandari utilizatorilor in functie de interese si sa rezume continutul multimedia vizionat in alte dispozitive Android

. Avand in vedere ca vorbim despre un produs conceput pentru SUA, toate aceste functii vor fi disponibile pentru americani si mai putin pentru restul lumii, asa ca daca va ganditi sa cumparati un Android TV, nu va asteptati sa va ofere o gama de functii maivariata decat Apple TV.

“Android TV is Android, optimized for the living room consumption experience on a TV screen,” writes the company, but the focus is on simplicity for now. Google is stripping away unneeded features like telephony, cameras, touchscreen support and near-field communication to keep developers focused, and handing them ready-made interfaces where they can hopefully just plug in shows, games, photos, music, and films.

  Deocamdata nu se stie exact cand va fi disponibil pe piata acest nou produs al celor de la Google, insa el va concura cu siguranta cu Apple TV-ul si noul Amazon Fire TV.

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