AlbumSnapper implementeaza noi functii utile pentru aplicatia Camera a iOS


  AlbumSnapper este un tweak a fost lansat in cursul acestei seri in Cydia

, iar prin intermediul sau putem implementa o functie importanta pentruaplicatia Camera. Mai exact, tweak-ul ne ofera optiunea de a crea albume de poze direct in aplicatia Camera a iDevice-urilor noastre, dar si de alege albumele in care sunt salvate pozele pe care urmeaza sa le inregistram.

Right from Apple’s native iPhone camera application (as well as from the lock screen) you can easily create new albums on the fly, and add photos directly to an album just by taking the shot.  Launch the camera app with AlbumSnapper enabled and you’ll notice a new “Albums” button in the top bar. Tap it to see a list of all your albums, easily letting you add photos to any eligible album on your device.

  AlbumSnapper implementeaza in aplicatia Camera un modul ce afiseaza toate albumele disponibile in Cmera Roll si ne ofera optiunea de a alege in care dintre ele sunt pozele ce urmeaza sa fie inregistrate. Desi functionalitatea sa este extrem de utila, din pacate tweak-ul nu functioneaza si cu albumele sincronizate folosind aplicatia iTunes, asa ca nu incercati sa le controlati.

Please note that albums synced from iTunes are not eligible; but that’s okay, because with AlbumSnapper you can easily create a new album by tapping the “Create Album” button from the album list.

  AlbumSnapper este disponibil la pretul de 1$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

This post was last modified on mai 29, 2014, 6:21 PM 18:21

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