yWatcher aduce noi moduri de a ne securiza iDevice-urile impotriva hotilor


  yWatcher este un tweak disponibil din cursul acestei seri in Cydia, iar cu ajutorul sau putem securiza suplimentar iDevice-urile in diverse situatii intalnite in viata de zi cu zi. Mai exact, tweak-ul are doua moduri de lucru, unul activ cand terminalul sta pe o suprafata plana si celalalt cand el se afla in buzunar, ambele putand fi activate de catre noi cu ajutorul unui gest setat prin pluginul Activator.

yWatcher integrates onto the lock screen adding features to protect your iPhone from thieves or someone having sticky fingers. Alert Mode: On some occasions,say,restaurants,public libraries and so on, you may tend to put your iPhone on table or desk. Consequently there’s a good chance your iPhone would be took away without your notice.

  Primul modul actioneaza o alarma automat in momentul in care cineva ridica terminalul vostru de pe masa, in timp ce al doilea actioneaza alarma automat daca terminalul este preluat din buzunarul vostru. Ambele module au un delay care dezactiveaza functionalitatea in cazul deblocarii terminalului folosind un cod de siguranta, astfel ca nu veti auzi alarma in mod inutil.

When yWatcher run in Alert Mode your iPhone will give out warning tone to draw your attention if your iphone is took up. Under other situation, maybe you just don’t want people to touch your iPhone without your permission.

  yWatcher este disponibil la pretul de 1$ in repo-ul BigBoss al Cydia.

Pocket Mode:If your iPhone is in bag or pocket it will sound after being picked out with yWatcher running in Pocket Mode.it’s especailly useful while you are taking bus or subway.

This post was last modified on mai 29, 2014, 6:14 PM 18:14

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