Apple il omagiaza pe Robin Williams cu o pagina dedicata in Apple.com si o noua sectiune in iTunes Store

  Dupa cum prea bine stiti deja, in cursul zilei de ieri celebrul comediant Robin Williams a decedat si lumea intreaga s-a grabit sa il omagieze, compania Apple creand o pagina speciala in cadrul website-ului sau, dar si in iTunes Store. Pagina dedicata lui Robin Williams in website-ul Apple.com prezinta doar imaginea de mai sus si un text scurt prin care isi exprima regretul vis-a-vis de trecerea in nefiinta a celebrului comediant.

We are deeply saddened by the passing of Robin Williams. He inspired us through his passion, his generosity, and the gift of laughter. He will be greatly missed.

  In ceea ce priveste sectiunea dedicata in iTunes Store, compania Apple listeaza o colectie de filme, show-uri TV si alt continut multimedia creat de catre Robin Williams de-a lungul anilor. Mai mult decat atat, compania americana a publicat si un mesaj descriptiv pentru intreaga cariera a artistului a carui voce a fost utilizata inclusiv intr-un spot publicitar creat de catre compania Apple pentru campania Your Verse.

One of the most beloved and unforgettable performers in the history of show business, Robin Williams brought laughter and inspiration to millions. Throughout a career that spanned five decades, Williams evolved from stand-up comedian to international movie star. Among the great masters of improv, he transfixed audiences with a mile-a-minute comic energy. Williams’ Golden Globe®-winning turn in Good Morning, Vietnam demonstrated that his versatile acting talents were equally suited to evoking dramatic complexity. Many of Williams’ most iconic performances — in Dead Poets SocietyMrs. Doubtfire, and his Oscar®-winning triumph Good Will Hunting — were dazzling high-wire acts that left audiences in tears of laughter one minute and tears of poignancy the next. An Emmy® and a GRAMMY® winner as well, Williams was a philanthropist who served as a driving force behind Comic Relief USA, which has raise more than $50 million.

This post was last modified on aug. 13, 2014, 8:46 AM 08:46

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