Facebook 13.1 update reduce cu pana 50% rata de inchideri subite ale aplicatiei

  Versiunea 13.1 a aplicatiei Facebook a fost lansata in cursul serii trecute de catre compania Facebook pentru iDevice-urile noastre, changelog-ul prezentat in App Store anuntandu-ne ca doar o serie de bug fix-uri au fost implementate. Desi Facebook nu a mentionat acest lucur in changelog-ul pentru App Store, inginerii sai au reusit sa reduca cu pana la 50% rata de inchideri subite (crash-uri) ale aplicatiei, aceasta fiind o schimbare majora pentru creatia sa.

Several months ago, one of our top crashes on iOS was manifesting itself in Apple’s Core Data system, an object-relational mapper into the underlying database (SQLite). We were receiving these crashes into our crash report analyzer, but it took months to figure out the right angle to approach the problem from.

  Aplicatia Facebook pentru iOS este disponibila pentru DOWNLOAD GRATUIT in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:



Developer: Facebook, Inc.
Categoria: Social Networking

Descriere: Keeping up with friends is faster than ever.
See what friends are up to
Share updates, photos and videos
Get notified when friends like and comment on your posts
Text, chat and have group conversat…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 60.3 Mb

This post was last modified on aug. 13, 2014, 8:31 AM 08:31

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