Tim Cook vorbeste despre securitatea datelor din iCloud si scandalul pozelor furate (Video)

  Scandalul pozelor nud cu vedete ale Hollywood ce au fost furate prin iCloud va ramane pentru totdeauna in memoria celor care utilizeaza produsele companiei, insa intr-un interviu recent Tim Cook incearca din nou sa ne asigure ca datele noastre sunt in siguanta. CEO-ul Apple a vorbit cu jurnalistul american Charlie Rose despre aceasta problema, in clipul video de mai sus fiind disponibila a doua parte a unui interviu al carui inceput il puteti vizualiza aici.

Our view is that when we design a new service we try not to collect data. So we’re not reading your email. We’re not reading your iMessage. If the government laid a subpoena on us to get your iMessages, we can’t provide it. It’s encrypted and we don’t have a key.  Our business is based on selling [products]. Our business is not based on having information about you. You are not our product.

  Tim Cook sustine ca Apple nu colecteaza date despre utilizatori, deoarece serviciile sale nu sunt concepute pentru acest lucru, compania neavand posibilitatea de a furniza nici mesaje ale iMessage

catre autoritati deoarece, aparent, nu le poate accesa. Tim Cook sustine din nou, cu tarie, faptul ca Apple nu ofera vreunei agentii guvernamentale acces la datele din serverele sale, asta dupa ce au aparut numeroase acuzatii conform carora NSA ar fi accesat date ale iCloud cu acordul Apple.

You know, I was at — I was at Compaq at a time where the objective was to become a $40 billion company. Well, employees don’t get excited about that. This isn’t something you wake up and you go, “I’m going to take the hill today to do 40″ — I mean, you know? It’s just not that. But changing the world? These are the things that people work for. And this pushes people. And so, this is who we are as people. And it’s the values of our company. It’s been the values of our company forever. And it’s to Steve’s credit. He put these values in the company… I know I probably said it too many times, but it’s a privilege of a lifetime to be there, because I think there’s no place like it on Earth.”

  Separat de acestea, Tim Cook a vorbit din nou despre valorile companiei si despre misiunea sa de a schimba lumea, creditandu-l pe Steve Jobs pentru implementarea acestei mentalitati in randul angajatilor.

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