Bill Gates: Apple Pay este fantastic!

  Desi Apple Pay nu a fost primit cu foarte mult entuziasm de catre competitorii Apple, in special cei care au sisteme de plati mobile lansate deja pe piata, insa iata ca el este sustinut de o persoana neasteptata, fostul CEO al Microsoft, Bill Gates. Conform lu Gates, Apple Pay este o idee fantastica pentru smartphone-uri, intrarea companiei Apple in segmentul platilor mobile motivand si alte companii sa-i urmeze exemplul, in final utilizatorii beneficiind de extinderea globala a acestei tehnologii.

Apple Pay’s a great example of how a cell phone that identifies its user in a pretty strong way lets you make a transaction that should be very, very inexpensive. So the fact that in any application I can buy something, that’s fantastic. The fact I don’t need a physical card anymore, I just do that transaction and you’re going to be quite sure about who it is on the other end, that is a real contribution.

  Practic Gates sugereaza faptul ca anul viitor competitorii Apple vor face exact ceea ce au facut in trecut si vor copia

ideile companiei pentru a ajuta la popularizarea sistemelor de plati mobile prin NFC. Avand in vedere ca Touch ID a motivat o multitudine de producatori de terminale mobile sa implementeze cititoare de amprente in propriile produse, Apple Pay va motiva aceeasi producatori sa implementeze sisteme de plata la fel de simple precum cel al Apple, asta daca vor putea.

This post was last modified on oct. 4, 2014, 9:03 AM 09:03

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