Sid Meier’s Starships a fost lansat in App Store

  Sid Meier’s Starships a fost lansat in cursul zilei de ieri in App Store pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch si vorbim despre un joc in care sunt combinate stilurile de aventura si strategie, el fiind dedicat fanilor carora le place sa exploreze spatiul cosmic. In joc vom avea posibilitatea de a calatori in luni distante si periculoase, pe parcurs fiind intampinati de pirati spatiali si alte armate ostile care incearcas a va distruga navele folosite pentru transport.

  In joc noi vom putea crea o federatie planetara si flote de nave pentru a apara planetele pe care le controlam, rolul principal fiind de a asigura pacea si securitatea in galaxiile in care ne desfasuram acivitatea in joc. Jocul are intregul gameplay centrat in lumea Civilization: Beyond Earth, astfel ca daca ati jucat acest titlu pe orice alta platforma veti fi familiarizati cu modul in care trebuie sa controlati totul, dar si locatiile ce trebuie explorate.

Take command of a fleet of powerful starships in this adventure-driven strategy game from legendary designer Sid Meier. Travel to new worlds, completing missions to help save and protect the planets and their people from dangerous Space Pirates, to powerful Marauders and other hostile factions. Build a planetary federation as you strengthen your fleet and secure your homeworld as you attempt to preserve intergalactic peace and your vision of humanity. 

  Dupa cum era de asteptat, in Sid Meier’s Starships vom participa la lupte spatiale in care spiritul vostru tactic va face diferenta dintre infrangere si victorie, insa desigur ca veti avea inclusiv optiunea de a aborda latura diplomatica pentru a rezolva conflicte. Avand in vedere ca vorbim despre un joc din seria Sid Meier, titlul ofera multiple optiuni pentru desfasurarea gameplay-ului, astfel ca in baza alegerilor facute de catre voi povestea se poate schimba in cazul in care veti decide sa reluati jocul dupa o anumita perioada de timp.

  • Tactical Space Combat: Encounter unique tactical challenges in every mission, with dynamically generated maps, victory conditions, and foes.
  • Fully Customizable Starships: Create an armada that fits your tactical plan with modular spaceship design.
  • Diplomacy, Strategy, and Exploration: Expand the influence of your Federation and gain the trust of the citizens of new planets. Use the unique abilities of the each planet to enhance your fleet and Federation, and keep your opponents in check. Build improvements on worlds to increase the capabilities and resources of your Federation.
  • A Galaxy Of Adventure: Explore the galaxy as you lead your fleet to distant worlds and complete missions to help the citizens of these planets. Fight pirates, protect colony ships, destroy rogue AI, and more.
  • Multiple Paths To Victory: Will you win by conquering the greatest threat to the galaxy? Or will you unite a plurality of worlds in your Federation? Perhaps you will lead your people to push the frontiers of science. Each choice you make carries consequences on your path to victory.

  Sid Meier’s Starships este disponibil pentru DESCARCARE din App Store in format universal.

This post was last modified on mart. 13, 2015, 6:31 PM 18:31

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