Jony Ive a fost promovat in functia de Chief Design Officer

Jony Ive a fost promovat in functia de Chief Design Officer de catre compania Apple, noua pozitie fiind special creata pentru omul care a gandit design-ul produselor Apple, dar si al sistemelor de operare, in ultimii ani. Anuntul a fost facut de catre Tim Cook in cursul noptii trecute printr-un memoriu intern, al anuntand deasemenea faptul ca Richard Howarth si Alan Dye vor deveni vicepresedinti care vor controla doua divizii din cadrul companiei Apple.

Jony Ive a fost vicepresedinte senior al diviziei de design din cadrul Apple timp de mai bine de un deceniu, iar noua functie de Chief Design Officer, CDO, reprezinta o schimbare menita sa-i acorde mai mult timp pentru a se concentra pe proiecte noi. In aceasta idee, Richard Howarth va fi vicepresedintele care va conduce divizia de design industrial al produselor Apple si va administra echipele care concep design-ul noilor iPhone, iPad sau Mac-uri.

Alan Dye pe de alta parte va fi vicepresedintele diviziei de design pentru interfata de utilizator, deci va controla echipele care produc interfetele iOS, OS X, dar si pe cea a Watch OS pentru Apple Watch. Richard Howarth si Alan Dye sunt doi dintre oamenii cheie pentru Apple si au contribuit serios la dezvoltarea produselor sau design-urilor lansate in ultimii ani, asa ca promovarea este o recunoastere a muncii lor.

Revenind la Jony Ive, in functia de CDO nu va mai trebui sa supravegheze fiecare echipa de design in activitatea lor de zi cu zi, cei doi noi vicepresedinti avand acest rol, Ive anuntand ca se va concentra pe design-ul Apple Store si al noului campus. Jony Ive a fost implicat in crearea design-ului pentru cladirile Apple Campus 2, dar si pentru unele camere sau obiecte din interior, ori decoratiuni, iar activitatea sa va fi extinsa.

Incepand de astazi, Jony Ive va fi al doilea manager Apple care, separat de Tim Cook si Luca Maestri, va avea un titlu propriu pentru functia pe care o detine in cadrul Apple, Cook fiind actualul CEO, Maestri actualul CFO, in timp ce Ive va fi CDO, iar in viitor probabil altii vor dori respect similar.


I have exciting news to share with you today. I am happy to announce that Jony Ive is being promoted to the newly created position of Chief Design Officer at Apple.

Jony is one of the most talented and accomplished designers of his generation, with an astonishing 5000 design and utility patents to his name. His new role is a reflection of the scope of work he has been doing at Apple for some time. Jony’s design responsibilities have expanded from hardware and, more recently, software UI to the look and feel of Apple retail stores, our new campus in Cupertino, product packaging and many other parts of our company.

Design is one of the most important ways we communicate with our customers, and our reputation for world-class design differentiates Apple from every other company in the world. As Chief Design Officer, Jony will remain responsible for all of our design, focusing entirely on current design projects, new ideas and future initiatives. On July 1, he will hand off his day-to-day managerial responsibilities of ID and UI to Richard Howarth, our new vice president of Industrial Design, and Alan Dye, our new vice president of User Interface Design.

Richard, Alan and Jony have been working together as colleagues and friends for many years. Richard has been a member of the Design team for two decades, and in that time he has been a key contributor to the design of each generation of iPhone, Mac, and practically every other Apple product. Alan started at Apple nine years ago on the Marcom team, and helped Jony build the UI team which collaborated with ID, Software Engineering and countless other groups on groundbreaking projects like iOS 7, iOS 8 and Apple Watch.

Please join me in congratulating these three exceptionally talented designers on their new roles at Apple.


This post was last modified on mai 26, 2015, 8:38 AM 08:38

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