Apple – perfectiunea produselor si colaborarea

Compania Apple incearca sa gaseasca metoda perfecta de a produce produsul perfect si acest lucru i-a adus foarte multe critici de-a lungul timpului deoarece toate produsele sale au avut diverse probleme in momentul lansarii pe piata.

Intr-un interviu exclusiv acordat de catre vicepresedintele diviziei de marketing Phill Schiller, un editor al unei publicatii americane a reusit sa afle detalii despre mentalitatea Apple de a dezvolta produse perfecte, perfectiunea fiind unul dintre obiectivele tuturor inginerilor Apple.

Conform lui Schiller, procesul de productie al diverselor produse Apple s-a schimbat simtitor in ultimele decenii, designerii colaborand mult mai strans cu inginerii care dezvolta hardware-ul pentru a putea produce dispozitive care arata bine si functioneaza foarte bine.

From the beginning, the Mac has been about Apple taking responsibility for the whole thing: hardware, software, how applications can work and, increasingly, Internet services. But that means something different today than it did 20 years ago. Today, those teams are not only integrated and designing something together, they’re actually thinking of features that could only exist because of that integration and solving problems that could only be solved because of that unique advantage.

Apple este una dintre putinele, daca nu chiar singura companie care combina echipele de designeri si ingineri pentru dezvoltarea de produse noi, astfel putand fi dezvoltata o placa logica pentru Mac ce incape intr-o palma sau o atena WiFi combinata cu un difuzor.

In cazul acestei antene, inginerii Apple au incercat diverse combinatii de componente pentru a putea produce acest design, un nou design pentru baterii fiind deasemenea gandit, impreuna cu modificarea structurii interne a carcasei pentru a acomoda toate aceste schimbari.

Some like to call it the “Speaktenna.” The black strip along the back edge of the MacBook speakers is a never-before-tried combination of speakers and antennas for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It’s a fairly ingenious bit of space-saving technology that teardown artists ignored. In the case of the speaktenna, Apple engineers did everything in their power to fit the maximum amount of technology possible into the tiny anodized aluminum chassis. This included creating new battery chemistry and forms to support a terraced battery design that marries perfectly with matching cutouts in the chassis. There’s even a deeper level of terracing cutouts in the body that aren’t for more battery power, but to cut down on the overall system weight.

Apple pune un efort foarte mare in dezvoltarea unui design grozav pentru produsele sale, iar asta ne-a tot fost spus de-a lungul timpului de catre diversi angajati ai Apple, iar mai multe puteti citi in articolul publicatiei americane.

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