Freeletics este cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii pentru iPhone si iPad

Apple a anuntat cea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii in App Store in cursul zilei de ieri, cei din Cupertino promovand un titlu grozav pentru iPhone, iPad si iPod Touch-urile utilizatorilor din lumea intreaga.

Freeletics este acea mai buna aplicatie a saptamanii promovata de catre compania Apple in App Store si vorbim despre un titlu care ne ajuta sa avem sesiuni de fitness in care sa ne indeplinim intr-adevar obiectivele pe care in le propunem, ea fiind disponibila in format universal.

Conform dezvoltatorilor sai, Freeletics contine si o gama variata de exercitii fizice facute special de catre antrenori de fitness din SUA, ele putand fi alese de catre noi pentru indeplinire, instructiunile acestora ajutandu-ne sa ducem la indeplinire fiecare componenta a lor in parte.

Freeletics is a highly intensive training programme that enables you to finally reach the training results you’ve always set for yourself. Get fitter, live healthier and increase your everyday energy levels. This is your chance to unleash your potential. The training consists of an assortment of exercises tailored to your fitness level that must be completed in full and in order. This means you can achieve the best results.

Freeletics ne permite in acelasi timp sa cream sesiuni de exercitii fizice pentru tipul nostru de corp si are disponibila inclusiv o aplicatie pentru Apple Watch, astfel ca in final veti avea parte de o experienta de utilizare foarte buna pe terminalele voastre.

  • Highly efficient workouts developed by athletes and scientists
  • Anytime, anywhere – train at home or outdoors
  • Suitable for all fitness levels, from beginners to advanced athletes
  • Train using your own bodyweight only – no need for equipment or weights
  • You are never alone – a strong community supports you every step of the way
  • Get motivated- share your progress with over 7 million Free Athletes
  • Freeletics leaderboard allows you to follow your friends and compare times with other Free Athletes
  • Slow motion video instructions to help you master the perfect range of motion
  • The Freeletics training disciplines: workouts, exercises and runs
  • Running feature that includes high-intensity sprints and medium to long distance runs
  • Track your performance and your training progress through your own user profile

Freeletics este disponibila pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA, in format universal, in App Store.

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