Jony Ive: design-ul produselor Apple rezolva probleme pe care oamenii nu stiau ca le au

Compania Apple a luat anul acesta decizia de a sponsoriza gala anuala a muzeului metropolitan din New York, iar Jony Ive a fost prezent acolo pentru a vorbi despre filosofia companiei americane privind design-ul produselor lansate pe piata.

Conform lui Jony Ive, Apple are o viziune simpla privind design-ul produselor sale, acestea trebuind sa semene cu produse familiare din vietile utilizatorilor, astfel intre utilizator si produse se creeaza o relatie foarte stransa care il convinge sa cumpere produsul si sa-l foloseasca in mod regulat.

Aceasta viziune singurala cu privire la design-ul produselor vandute in lumea intreaga, i-a permis companiei Apple sa creeze terminale precum iPhone, tablete iPad, Mac-uri sau Apple Watch-uri care s-au dovedit a fie extrem de populare in randul utilizatorilor.

Mai mult decat atat, Jony Ive sustine ca in crearea design-ului produselor Apple, el si inginerii sai incearca sa rezolve probleme pe care utilizatorii nici nu stiau ca le au cu folosirea zilnica a dispozitivelor, lucru foarte adevarat si usor de inteles.

Regardless of whether we declare an interest in fashion or not, we are making products that are more and more personal… products that you wear and you wear every day. We’ve not done that before and we’ve got a lot to learn. Just talking to Andrew [Bolton] is hugely informative. I think we have always had a very clear and a very singular approach to how we design products that are more familiar to people, more established in terms of product categories. I think it’s very hard to have that same clarity and singularity when you’re not absolutely confident in your subject matter.

Vorbind despre Apple Watch, Jony Ive sustine ca evolua tehnologica a acestui produs este similara cu cea a iPhone sau iPad in primii ani de existenta, CDO-ul Appl evitand totusi sa ofere detalii cu privire la ceea ce va implementa Apple nou in Apple Watch 2.

It’s quite interesting that if you look back at the first generation of the iPod or the Phone — what happens in the next two, three, four years is dramatic. You’d be very surprised about some of the things you would absolutely assume that the first Phone did and it didn’t have. Of course, this is a new category for us, one that we think is such a natural one because we think in a very authentic way. It’s not us being opportunistic in the way our competitors are. It’s not us thinking, ‘Well, this is a growing category.’ That couldn’t be further from the truth.

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