EyeQue – Noul mini-telescop care testeaza vederea cu ajutorul smartphone-ului

 Anul acesta, la CES Innovation Awards, EyeQue – gadget-ul cu, care iti poti testa vederea chiar la domiciul, fara a te deplasa la un oftalmolog, a fost considerat produsul cel mai impresionant din categoria Fitness, Sport si Biotech.

Asa cum spuneam, EyeQue, te scuteste de deplasarile la oftalmolog.  Pur si simplu atasezi minitelescopul EyeQue la smartphone si rezultatele testelor sunt imediat prelucrate de tehnologia patentata EyeQue Cloud. Inregistrarile sunt aceleasi pe care medicul oftalmolog le utilizeaza pentru a genera o reteta.

Dezvoltatorii proiectului, aflat inca in finantare, doresc sa-i inspire pe oameni sa invete sa aiba grija de vederea lor, prin punerea la preturi accesibile, teste precise, direct in mâinile lor. Bazat pe o tehnologie revolutionara patentata, EyeQue aduce testele de ochi auto-administrate la miliarde de oameni din intreaga lume, multi dintre ei neavand posibilitatea de a-si testa vederea si de i corecta.

Personal Vision EyeQue Tracker include minitelescopul si aplicatia myEyeQue (Android sau iOS).

The miniscope is a sophisticated optical device. But don’t let its humble appearance fool you. Inside the smooth and rounded tube hides several highly engineered, expertly designed, and intricately manufactured lenses that can give you a measurement of your eyes’ refractive errors in minutes.

In varianta BETA dispozitivul a fost deja testat :

I love having the power to see if my eyes have changed or if they are just playing tricks on me. I tested my eyes with my glasses on and sure enough, I wasn’t seeing clearly! I used the results to order a more effective set of glasses and ahhhhh, I can see!

”  — Nerissa, Newark, CA

Information is power. I want to know as much as I possibly can. With EyeQue I’ve been tracking my vision every month and have a history right on my phone, so next time I’m at the optometrist’s I can compare their records with my own.” — Daniel, Fremont, CA

My eye exams each year show I have perfect vision, but I’ve been getting headaches in the afternoons. EyeQue revealed that during stressful projects at work, my eyesight is strained. With some simple computer glasses, I’ve reduced the strain, eliminated the headaches and still have perfect vision…most of the time!” — Gloria, Los Altos, CA

This is very cool, almost like a game!“– James, San Jose

Thank you EyeQue! My eyes have been so tired lately. I made an appointment with my eye doctor but it is 6 weeks away. I was able to get an EyeQue miniscope, take a few tests and my new glasses just arrived!” — Anna, San Jose, CA

“I take pretty good care of myself, see dentists twice a year, doctor’s annually and make sure to see the optometrist every other year. EyeQue allows me to track changes in my eyesight in between office visits. If something changes before my regular appointment, I’ll be sure to get to the doctor sooner.” — Will, San Ramon, CA

This post was last modified on dec. 19, 2016, 1:05 PM 13:05

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