Presedintele Apple explica de ce s-a intalnit cu Donald Trump

Presedintele Apple, Tim Cook, l-a criticat pe Donald Trump, presedintele ales al SUA, in repetate randuri, ba chiar a strans bani pentru contracandidata sa, Hillary Clinton. In ciuda acestor lucruri, presedintele Apple s-a intalnit totusi, impreuna cu multi alti presedinti de companii importante din SUA, cu Donald Trump saptamana trecuta.

Intalnirea a fost organizata de catre Donald Trump si a avut la baza dorinta acestuia de a discuta cu toti cei care l-ai criticat pentru a le explica viziunea sa cu privire la urmatorii 4 ani. Trump a discutat despre probleme de securitate nationala, crearea de locuri de munca si probleme financiare, insa Tim Cook a fost criticat pentru ca a fost prezent, dupa ce l-a criticat pe Trump.

Prezent ieri la o intalnire cu angajatii Apple, Tim Cook a fost intrebat din nou de ce a participat la intalnirea organizata de catre Donald Trump in New York. El a oferit un raspuns foarte lung, pe care il vedeti mai jos, insa esenta este ca pentru a schimba ceva este important sa le arati celor cu care te contrazici de ce calea ta este mai buna.

Acest raspuns se aplica nu doar pentru Trump, ci si pentru guvernul SUA, Comisia Europeana, guvernul Chinei si ca orice entitate guvernamentala, conform lui Tim Cook. Separat, Cook a afirmat ca a adus in discutie si alte probleme pentru care Apple a militat, precum protejarea planetei, securitatea datelor, imbunatatirea mediului educational si respectarea drepturilor omului.

Mai multe puteti citi in raspunsul lui Tim Cook, disponibil in totalitate mai jos.

“It’s very important. Governments can affect our ability to do what we do. They can affect it in positive ways and they can affect in not so positive ways. What we do is focus on the policies. Some of our key areas of focus are on privacy and security, education. They’re on advocating for human rights for everyone, and expanding the definition of human rights. They’re on the environment and really combating climate change, something we do by running our business on 100 percent renewable energy.

And of course, creating jobs is a key part of what we do by giving people opportunity not only with people that work directly for Apple, but the large number of people that are in our ecosystem. We’re really proud that we’ve created 2 million jobs, just in this country. A great percentage of those are app developers. This gives everyone the power to sell their work to the world, which is an unbelievable invention in and of itself.

We have other things that are more business-centric — like tax reform — and something we’ve long advocated for: a simple system. And we’d like intellectual property reform to try to stop the people suing when they don’t do anything as a company.

There’s a large number of those issues, and the way that you advance them is to engage. Personally, I’ve never found being on the sideline a successful place to be. The way that you influence these issues is to be in the arena. So whether it’s in this country, or the European Union, or in China or South America, we engage. And we engage when we agree and we engage when we disagree. I think it’s very important to do that because you don’t change things by just yelling. You change things by showing everyone why your way is the best. In many ways, it’s a debate of ideas.

We very much stand up for what we believe in. We think that’s a key part of what Apple is about. And we’ll continue to do so.”

This post was last modified on dec. 20, 2016, 8:19 AM 08:19

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