HomePod – primele review-uri pentru calitatea audio

HomePod este boxa inteligenta bazata pe Siri cu care compania Apple vrea sa cucereasca si mai multi clienti in batalia gadget-urilor inteligente pentru case. Ieri HomePod a fost prezentata oficial, dar compania Apple a anuntat ca lansarea urmeaza sa aiba loc abia in luna decembrie a acestui an si doar in trei tari de pe glob, restul urmand a astepta aparitia.

HomePod este o boxa inteligenta care costa 350 de dolari, de aproape 3 ori mai mult decat Google Home si dublu fata de Amazon Echo. Apple a stabilit acest pret al HomePod luand in calcul pretul de baxa al unei boxe inteligente, plus pretul de baza al unei boxe Wi-Fi, americanii considerand ca valoarea de 350 de dolari este una foarte buna pentru un asemenea produs.

In centrul acestei strategii de marketing pentru HomePod sta faptul ca boxa inteligenta a celor de la Apple poate oferi o calitate superioara pentru sunetele redate. Avand in vedere ca nu exista unitati care sa fie distribuite pentru review-uri, cei de la Apple au invitat unii jurnalisti americani sa experimenteze HomePod intr-o incapere creata special pentru evenimentul de ieri.

HomePod – primele review-uri pentru calitatea audio

Jurnalistii au avut ocazia de a asculta muzica redata de catre HomePod, Amazon Echo si Sonos Play 3, iar majoritatea dintre ei au fost foarte impresionati de produsul Apple. Sonos Play 3 este un competitor foarte puternic pentru HomePod, insa cei de la Apple si-au gandit produsul intr-un asa fel incat el sa ofere o calitate audio superioara.

Sonos Play 3 este deasemenea vandut la pretul de 350 de dolari de catre compania Apple, insa HomePod ofera functii cu mult mai avansate decat el. Compania Apple pare sa fi creat prin HomePod o boxa inteligenta care sa indeplienasca nevoile foarte multor persoane, iar asta la un pret de vanzare competitiv cu produse care-i sunt inferioare.

HomePod ar putea fi inceputul unei noi revolutii pentru compania Apple, iar aici nu trebuie sa ne limitam doar la functiile care permite ascultarea de muzica. HomePod are foarte multe tehnologii care ii permit sa isi dea seama in ce fel de camera se afla si sa isi modifice calitatea audio in functie de ea, asa ca va fi interesant de vazut care vor fi primele pareri dupa lansare.



Business Insider

“I’m no audio expert, so I won’t even pretend I can go into all the reasons why the HomePod sounds so good. But I did notice the HomePod was able fill a large room very well and sounded great no matter what angle I was listening from, which Apple says is possible because the HomePod is smart enough to intelligently tune itself and balance the audio to match any room or position you put it in. It sounded even better when playing in stereo while synced with another HomePod. Still, it was tough to evaluate the HomePod on its own, and I didn’t realize just how good it sounded until I heard a nearby Sonos 3 speaker playing the same songs. The Sonos sounded OK, but the sound wasn’t nearly as rich as the HomePod [and] the Echo sounded like someone was singing through a tin can a mile away. It isn’t even in the same league as the HomePod or Sonos.”


“HomePod puts vocals in a direct center channel, and beams ambient sounds around for what Apple says is a more omnidirectional music experience. I walked around, and it sounded good from multiple parts of the room. Apple said HomePod can separate vocals and other parts of the music via Apple Music, but that more recent recordings will perform the separation better […] HomePod came off as bolder and more vivid than Sonos Play:3 in the experience I tried, and a lot better than Amazon Echo. I’d also say the music sounded consistently vivid and crisp in a quiet space, more so than the Sonos and Amazon comparisons on-hand.”


“The HomePod however, sounded crisp and bright no matter the musical genre fed through it — it rendered The Eagles as well it did Kendrick Lamar. As a reminder, there’s a huge woofer and seven tweeters inside, all meant to make audio sound as vivid as possible no matter where you are in a room. It works. The PLAY:3 was generally very good, but audio felt remarkably closed off when I wasn’t sitting right in front of it. If listening to the HomePod was like listening to a CD, then audio through the Echo sounded like AM radio.”

The Verge

“The main thing to know is that Apple has done a remarkably good job finding ways to get its speaker to feel like it’s filling a room with sound. It starts with the subwoofer, which delivers bass that doesn’t quite hit you in the chest but does manage to put other smart speakers like the Echo or Google Home to shame. It’s obviously no standalone subwoofer, but it outperforms what you’d expect from a speaker of this size. […] Apple is claiming that, using the microphones, the speaker can work out the shape of the room and then beam different parts of the song to different areas. So the vocals get pumped straight out into the center of the room while the “ambient” bits get bounced off the wall. I can’t speak to the proper audiophile terms for what they’re talking about, but I can say that it sounded pretty immersive and impressive in person.”

What HiFi?

“As Sia’s The Greatest played out, the HomePod sounded impressive: strong bass rang out – which was perhaps the overriding audio takeaway for the speaker – but the vocals still seemed sharp and crisp. In comparison, the Sonos Play:3 appeared uncharacteristically flat, while the Amazon Echo felt almost pedestrian. We listened to Superstition by Stevie Wonder and DNA by Kendrick Lamar. Both sounded good on the Sonos but appeared punchier and louder on the HomePod. As we moved around the room, the HomePod managed to project in every direction, with no discernible sweet spot. We also heard a pair of HomePods playing a live recording of Hotel California by The Eagles. The attention to detail was striking, with different instruments sounding discretely realised. Did we feel like we were at the concert? Maybe not, but it did sound powerful.”

This post was last modified on iun. 6, 2017, 3:55 PM 15:55

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