UntilOff lupaa kertoa, kuinka kauan voit käyttää iPhoneasi, ennen kuin sen akku loppuu

  UntilOff on tänä yönä käynnistetty sovellus App Store, ea fiind conceputa in ideea de a ajuta posesorii de iDevice-uri sa isi administreze mai eficient timpul petrecut utilizand terminalele. Aplicatia are, conform dezvoltatorului, la baza un algoritm care monitorizeaza activitatea noastra zilnica si calculeaza un timp de utilizare in baza sa. Practic aplicatia va emite estimari privind autonomia bateriei terminalului in functie de modul in care il utilizam si astfel ne putem face o idee in legatura cu perioadele de timp la care el trebuie reincarcat.

UntilOff tells you how long you can use your phone until it has to be charged again based on your prior usage. Other apps tell you how long you can use the 3G or browse the internet with the residual battery. UntilOff tells you how long you can use your phone as you used it before. To achieve this UntilOff takes measurements of your battery level every time you start it. In addition you can activate geo fences to measure the battery level automatically when you leave home or your work.

Start UntilOff after you have charged your phone and every time you need to know the residual battery duration. In addition UntilOff saves the prediction of the total battery duration. After a while you’ll therefore have the distribution of your total battery duration.

  Aplicatia are implementat inclusiv un sistem de geo fencing, astfel ca poate masura automat activitatea si oferi rapoarte in functie de anumite zone in care utilizam terminalul, deci putem sti cand si unde trebuie sa il utilizam mai putin pentru a avea mai multa energie. UntilOff on käytettävissä App Store iPhonen ja iPod Touchin kanssa yhteensopivassa muodossa.




Kehittäjä: Dominik Hauser
Luokka: Apuohjelmat

Kuvaus: UntilOff kertoo, kuinka kauan voit käyttää puhelintasi, kunnes se on ladattava uudelleen aiemman käyttösi perusteella.

Muut sovellukset kertovat, kuinka kauan voit käyttää 3G:tä tai selata Internetiä jäljellä olevalla...

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