Samsung Galaxy tab – pół-wpadka Samsunga?

Acum cateva zile au aparut pe internet informatii care indicau faptul ca Samsung ar fi vandut in jur de 2 milioane de tablete Samsung Galaxy Tab de la lansare dispozitivului si pana in prezent. Cifra este impresionanta avand in vedere ca tableta iPad s-a vandut in putin peste 7 milioane de exemplare un ultimele 3 luni, deci am putea considera ca Samsung Galaxy Tab este un adevarat succes nu? Ei bine nu. Cele 2 milioane de unitati ale Samsung Galaxy Tab au fost expediate de Samsung catre distribuitori, insa vanzarile directe catre clienti au fost mult mai mici. Cei de la Samsung nu au vrut sa ujawnia cate tablete au vandut in realitate, deci probabil e vorba despre vanzari foarte slabe.

As you heard, our sell-in was quite aggressive and this first quarterly result was quite, you know, fourth-quarter unit [figure] was around two million. Then, in terms of sell-out, we also believe it was quite small. We believe, as the introduction of new device, it was required to have consumers invest in the device. So therefore, even though sell-out wasn’t as fast as we expected, we still believe sell-out was quite OK.

In conditiile acestea, articolul de ieri, privitor la faptul ca Apple ar fi pierdut 18% din cota de piata a tablet pc-urilor in fata tabletelor Android, nu mai este de actualitate. Asta nu inseamna ca Apple nu a pierdut o parte din cota sa de piata si asta nu inseamna ca Apple trebuie sa se linisteasca avand in vedere ca in urmatoarele luni vor fi lansate pe piata o serie intreaga de tablete care cu siguranta vor “face cu ochiul” celor care intentioneaza sa isi achizitioneze o tableta in viitorul apropiat.

Aktualizacja: La vanzarile slabe adaugam si stopa zwrotu de 16% in randul acestor tablete. Se pare ca Samsung Galaxy Tab nu e chiar atat de grozava precum o credeau unii.

ITG Investment Research tracked point-of-sale data from nearly 6,000 wireless stores in the US from the Galaxy Tab’s November debut through Jan. 15 and found the device to have an unusually high return rate. According to its estimates, cumulative return rates for the Galaxy Tab through December of 2010 were about 13 percent. Worse, that percentage is growing as holiday purchases are returned. ITG figures cumulative Galaxy Tab return rates through January 15 were Wzrost o 16. Ugly, considering the return rate for the iPad at Verizon since its debut on the carrier is just 2 percent.