Sony cere permisiunea de a clona hard disk-urile lui geohot, lupta continua

Zilele acestea Sony lupta pe multe fronturi impotriva hackerilor si desi zilele trecute a fost anuntat faptul ca Sony ar cerut politiei germane sa perchezitioneze casa unui hacker, iata ca acum compania merge mai departe si cere premisiunea sa cloneze hard disk-urile lui geohot. Acum cateva saptamani lui geohot i-a fost impus sa dea hard disk-urile sale catre o companie care sa analizeze datele de pe ele, fara ca Sony sa poata lua ceva de acolo, insa compania nu se lasa atat de usor si doreste sa faca 2 copii ale hard disk-urilor confiscate. Avocatii lui geohot sustin ca Sony nu are nici un drept sa faca acest lucru deocamdata insa va puteti imagina si singuri ca Sony nu se va lasa atat de usor.

Nu stiu cat de departe sunt dispusi sa mearga cei de la Sony insa probabil constientizeaza si ei faptul ca e imposibil sa strearga de pe internet toate copiile cu exploit-urile pentru PlayStation 3. Din cate vad eu strategia lor nu e sa blocheze raspandirea acelor copii ci sa atace sursele care au descoperit exploit-urile si sa ii sperie pe hackerii care inca lucreaza la descoperirea altor exploit-uri.

“SCEA is not entitled to inspect the impounded drives under the impoundment order, nor is it allowed to create and preserve additional copies of the impounded drives, but this is precisely what it seeks to do.”

Sony’s response is to ask the judge to order Hotz to comply with TIG’s request.

For the foregoing reasons, SCEA requests that the Court order that Mr. Hotz comply with TIG‟s recommended impoundment protocols and that those protocols be supplemented to ensure that preservation requirements are met as follows:

(1) TIG create and preserve two forensically sound images (e.g., bit stream images) of each impounded storage device in its encrypted form: One to be maintained by TIG in a secure vault for preservation purposes and the second to be used for decryption and/or any other necessary analysis by TIG;

(2) TIG create and preserve two forensically sound images (e.g., bit stream images) of each impounded storage device in its un-encrypted form. One to be maintained by TIG in a secure vault for preservation
purposes and the second to be used for TIG‟s necessary analysis; and

(3) TIG maintain and preserve all of the forensically created images for the duration of the lawsuit.

SCEA further requests that the Court order Mr. Hotz to: (a) provide TIG with the tools and keys necessary to decrypt the impounded storage devices and the keys and passwords necessary to decrypt or unlock any protected files contained on the impounded storage devices;

(b) identify for TIG all virtual machines or hard disks stored or at any time run on the impounded storage devices.3 Furthermore, to verify compliance with the impoundment order, SCEA requests that the Court order Mr. Hotz to provide a declaration setting forth: (i) verification that all storage devices on which any circumvention devices or any information relating to Mr. Hotz‟s circumvention of the technological protection measures in the PS3 System are stored have been delivered to TIG; (ii) why the storage device used by Mr. Hotz in the January 7, 2011 YouTube video entitled “Jailbroken PS3 3.55 with Homebrew” was not delivered to TIG for impoundment; and (iii) the identity of any remote storage of the circumvention devices or any information relating to Mr. Hotz‟s circumvention of the technological protection measures in the PS3 System.4 Finally, SCEA seeks fees and costs in relation to this motion.

This post was last modified on mart. 2, 2011, 9:09 AM 09:09

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