Resellerii de produse Apple se plang de modul in care sunt tratati de catre Apple

   Acum cateva saptamani de zile v-am spus ca un reseller francez de produse Apple a dat in judecata compania americana sustinand ca aceasta ofera tratament preferential propriilor magazine in detrimentul resellerilor autorizati. Ei bine acel reseller nu este singurul care reclama probleme in colaborarea cu Apple deoarece un alt premium Apple reseller din Europa a oferit, sub protectia anonimatului, date unui ziar britanic. Practic acel Apple premium reseller sustine afirmatiile celor de la eBizcuss din Franta insa sustine ca Apple merge mai departe si reduce liniile de credit pentru magazine, generand astfel probleme in fluxul monetar al acestora.

The general consensus is good luck to them [eBizcuss].” APRs on the continent are definitely feeling the pain more than us, but there are instances where Apple has given preferential treatment to its own stores and website and even the high street retailers like DSG. We totally feel eBizcuss’s pain and hope that something positive comes out of it. Apple is not giving us the tools to do the job it wants us to do.

   Pe langa problemele cu stocurile oferite intai magazinelor proprii si a site-ului iar apoi a resellerilor, un alt Apple premium reseller din Marea Britanie sustine ca Apple cere acum acestui gen de parteneri sa faca investitii substantiale in propriile magazine. Practic Apple le cere acestora sa isi modernizeze magazinele iar pentru a face acest lucru este nevoie de o investitie de aproximativ 400.000 $ per magazin pana la sfarsitul acestui an. Cei care nu investesc raman fara statutul de premium reseller pana la aplicarea modificarilor. Resellerii considera ca noul plan al magazinelor impus de Apple ii obliga sa vanda doar produse ale companiei fara accesorii terte iar asta desigur le va afecta vanzarile anuale.

According to our calculation, if eBizcuss has 15 shops, the investment required to remain in the business as an APR v2 would be $6m to $8m… one must concede that without product to place in their shops, with unfair competition from Apple’s own pricing and regulation, with no access to iPhone, with no guarantee from Apple on any of the previous topics, it may be a very dangerous game to play.

   Practic acum pe langa eBizcuss exista alti doi Apple Premium resellers care se plang de modul in care sunt tratati iar compania din Cupertino va trebui sa isi rezolve problemele inaine ca totul sa degenereze.

This post was last modified on ian. 5, 2012, 7:16 PM 19:16

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