iBooks Author – programul cu ajutorul caruia poti dezvolta carti pentru iBookstore

   Daca a lansat iBooks 2 si sectiunea Textbooks in iBookstore, Apple a pregatit o noua aplicatie cu ajutorul carora pot fi dezvoltate carti pentru noua sa aplicatie iBooks 2 si noul sau magazin. Folosind noul program orice dezvoltator poate concepe continut interactiv pentru publicul sau iar Apple ofera o gama foarte variata de unelte cu ajutorul carora experienta de utilizare a unei carti digitale este extrem de mult imbunatatita. Programul permite introducerea de continut HTML 5, poze, filme, widget-uri multitouch, sau chiar text preluat direct dintr-un document Microsoft word deci doar imaginatia unui dezvoltator limiteaza functionalitatea unei carti.

   iBooks Author simplifica munca de dezvoltare a unei carti si ofera tuturor celor interesati posibilitatea de a face produse foarte bune fara prea mult efort. Apple sustine ca oricine poate face o carte folosind iBooks Author deoarece programul contine template-uri si cam tot ceea ce are nevoie un utilizator pentru a dezvolta o carte insa ramane de vazut cati vor fi indeajuns de curajosi pentru a incerca noua aplicatie. Aplicatia stie sa recunoasca fisierele facute folosind Microsoft Word, Eccel, iWork, Keynote sau Pages iar cei cu adevarat interesati pot face widget-uri folosind Javascript sau HTML. Rezumand totul, prin iBooks Author APple incearca sa revolutioneze cartile digitale si eu sper sa reuseasca.

   iBooks Author este disponibil gratuit in Mac App Store pentru toti cei interesati si iata ce functii are :

Apple-designed templates
• Give your book a great beginning with templates that include a choice of page designs with matching fonts, colors, and textures
• Easily customize your book with text and images, create new layouts, and even save a custom template
• Use the Book Navigator to organize your book and add a cover and table of contents

Beautiful text and layouts
• Use a variety of text styles in each template to give your book a rich yet consistent look
• Add text, shapes, charts, tables, and media anywhere on the page
• Import a chapter written in Pages or Microsoft Word and apply a great-looking layout from your current template
• Add any word to the glossary with a single click and easily include photos, images, charts, tables, and shapes next to any definition
• Automatically create a portrait view of your book, which allows readers to focus on the text

Multi-Touch widgets
• Choose from a variety of widgets that add Multi-Touch interactivity to your book
• Add a photo gallery, chapter review, movie, Keynote presentation, interactive image with callouts, 3D object, or custom HTML anywhere in your book
• Widgets include placeholders for titles and captions and are automatically numbered so you can reference them in your main text
• Add accessibility descriptions to any widget so that it can be used by sight-impaired readers easily with VoiceOver

Export for iBookstore or iTunes U
• Preview your book in iBooks on an iPad to see how it looks and works
• Easily add a cover, video introduction, copyright page, dedication, and foreword 
• Submit your book to the iBookstore for sale or free download with a few simple steps*
• Export your book in iBooks format to share on iTunes U or to give to others
• Create a version of your book as a PDF file


Pretul initial:
iBooks Author






Developer: iTunes S.a.r.l.
Categoria: Productivity


Descriere: Create and publish amazing Multi-Touch books for iPad.

Now anyone can create stunning iBooks textbooks, cookbooks, history books, picture books, and more for iPad. All you need is an idea and a Mac. Start with one of the Apple-designed templates that fea…


Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 136.4 Mb


This post was last modified on ian. 19, 2012, 7:36 PM 19:36

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