Angajatii Apple sunt fericiti in urma anuntului privind plecarea lui Scott Forstall

  V-am vorbit astazi despre Forstall si plecarea sa din cadrul companiei Apple, insa acum revin cu cateva informatii interesante in legatura cu efectul pe care l-a avut aceasta recenta schimbare a Apple. Desi Forstall este cel mai probabil nemultumit, angajatii din cadrul diviziei sale sunt foarte fericiti, unii dintre ei sarbatorind chiar plecarea fostului SVP, chiar daca deocamdata nu se stie ce rol vor ocupa in viitorul companiei Apple.

Forstall’s firing was met with a sense of quiet jubilation, especially among people who worked in the engineering groups. Or as one of my sources quipped: there are a lot of people going for celebratory drinks, even if there is a little bit of doubt about their roles in the future. There is a sense of excitement around Jony Ive taking over as in charge of newly created human interface group. The reason for the excitement: hope for a new design direction for many software products. Most think Eddy Cue taking over the Siri and Maps are smart and natural thing to do.

  Pe langa ingineri, cei din conducere respira putin mai usurati dupa acest anunt, Forstall avand destule discutii in contradictoriu cu multi dintre ei in ultima vreme. Se pare ca niciun membru al echipei de vicepresedinti nu era apropiat de Forstall, insa el era acceptat la Apple in baza trecutului pe care l-a avut. Fara Jobs era doar o chestiune de timp pana in momentul in care Forstall avea sa paraseasca Apple si atitudinea sa din cadrul companiei i-a fost in final de prea putin ajutor.

According to my sources, there have been fissures in the management team for a while. Steve Jobs and Forstall were close, but none of the executives really cared for the deposed iOS chief. He really built a reputation by executing on Steve’s vision and acting as Steve’s mouthpiece.

This post was last modified on oct. 30, 2012, 2:02 PM 14:02

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