Angry Birds Epic a fost lansat in App Store Romania (Video)

  Angry Birds Epic, primul RPG dezvoltat de catre compania Rovio avand la baza celebrele personaje ale seriei Angry Birds, el fiind lansat in cursul serii trecute in App Store. In clipul video de mai sus aveti prezentat gameplay-ul viitorului titlu, el oferindu-ne posibilitatea de a pune fata in fata porcusorii si pasarile din Angry Birds intr-o lupta epica cu diversele arme concepute de catre dezvoltatorii titlului.

Get ready for a bird-tastic FREE RPG adventure filled with “weapons” (whatever they could get ahold of), magic, bad guys and silly hats! Lead your feathery team into battle now – it’s going to be EPIC!

EPIC BATTLES! Turn-based battles between our heroic flock of warriors and those green snout-nosed scoundrels! It’s easy to play, but difficult to master!

EPIC WORLDS! Explore a fantasy Piggy Island with everything from tribal villages and frosty mountains to tropical beaches and mysterious caves!

EPIC CHARACTERS! Join Red, Chuck, Bomb and the other heroes as they face King Pig, Wiz Pig, Prince Porky and many more villains!

EPIC UPGRADES! Level up your characters, armor, weapons and potions to become a legendary hero ready to take on the mightiest pig warrior!

EPIC WEAPONS! Craft amazing battle-winning weapons like a wooden sword, frying pan or stick thingy with a sponge on top!

EPIC HUMOR! Plenty of offbeat humor and tons of quirky characters dressed in awesomely silly costumes – like a prickly cactus hat and a matching sword.

  Pentru ca vorbim despre un turn-based game, Angry Birds Epic va limita actiunile pentru fiecare dintre rundele de joc, insa chiar si asa, creatorii ne promit ca vom avea parte de o experienta cat se poate de interesanta. De la personaje si pana la arme, upgrade-uri pentru ele si lumine in care se desfasoara totul, creatorii Angry Birds Epic ne promit o experienta de joc epica, insa ramane de vazut ceparere veti avea si voi.

  Angry Birds Epic este disponibil GRATUIT, in format universal in App Store.

Pretul initial:
Angry Birds Epic



Developer: Rovio Entertainme…
Categoria: Games

Descriere: PLEASE NOTE: iPod Touch 4th generation devices are currently not supported.

Get ready for a bird-tastic FREE RPG adventure filled with weapons (whatever they could get ahold of), magic, bad guys and silly hats! Lead your feathery team into battle now it…

Dimensiunea aplicatiei este: 92.1 Mb

This post was last modified on iun. 12, 2014, 4:29 PM 16:29

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