Tim Cook: Produsele Apple nu sunt doar pentru cei Bogati

Tim Cook a vorbit astazi intr-un interviu despre produsele pe care compania Apple le lanseaza si a facut cateva afirmatii foarte interesante cu privire la ele. Mai exact, Tim Cook a afirmat ca produsele Apple sunt gandite pentru a schimba lumea si nu sunt facute in mod neaparat doar pentru cei bogati, desi compania Apple le vinde la preturi care sunt in multe situatii foarte exagerate.

Tim Cook afirma ca produsele Apple ajuta lumea sa faca lucruri pe care in mod normal nu le-ar putea face, insa e greu de spus ce calitate exceptionala au iPhone sau iPad pe care alte produse nu le au. Pe de alta parte, Tim Cook spune ca produsele Apple ajuta lumea sa invete lucruri noi, sa-i invete pe altii lucruri noi, sa se joace sau sa realizeze lucruri grozave, iar asta este perfect adevarat.

“I think the No. 1 way Apple changes the world is through our products. We make products for people that are tools to enable them to do things that they couldn’t otherwise do—to enable them to create or learn or teach or play. Or do something really wonderful.”

Tim Cook afirma si ca Apple a schimbat lumea prin actele de caritate pe care le face, insa a afirma ca nu va exista si o fundatie finantata de catre compania Apple. El spune ca o fundatie de acest gen ar avea o conducere diferita si nu ar avea spiritul si mentalitatea sa, ori a echipei sale de manageri, iar aici are din nou dreptate, pentru ca putini oameni din putine companii gandesc la fel precum Tim Cook.

“My view, we do a lot more good with a 120,000 people behind it than we would putting 12 people over in a corner to make decisions. I’m not criticizing people that do that. I think maybe they found a way and maybe it’s great. But it wouldn’t be Apple.”

Intrebat de ce au produsele Apple preturi atat de mari cu profit atat de mare pentru companie, Tim Cook a afirmat ca profitul nu este chiar atat de mare precum care. El spune ca Apple stabileste preturile produselor pentru valoarea pe care ea crede ca acestea o merita, Tim Cook afirmand ca pentru produsele premium se folosesc materiale de calitate, iar acestea costa bani, pe care foarte multi clientii platesc.

“Well it’s not high margin. I wouldn’t use that word. There’s a lot of companies that have much higher margins. We price for the value of our products. And we try to make the very best products. And that means we don’t make commodity kind of products. And we don’t disparage people that do; it’s a fine business model. But it’s not the business that we’re in.

But if you look across our product lines, you can buy an iPad today for under $300. You can buy an iPhone, depending upon which one you select, for in that same kind of ballpark. And so these are not for the rich. We obviously wouldn’t have over a billion products that are in our active installed base if we were making them for the rich because that’s a sizable number no matter who’s looking at the numbers.”

Tim Cook a afirmat in final ca Apple ar vrea sa faca mai multe produse pentru monitorizarea sanatatii, dar aici ramane de vazut ce fel de limitari va avea din partea autoritatilor.

This post was last modified on sept. 11, 2017, 8:14 PM 20:14

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