Vodafone will sell micro-SIMs

Vodafone, one of the largest telephone operators in Romania, has launched the website microsim.ro through which it will offer its customers micro-SIMs compatible with iPad/iPhone 4 because as far as I know at the moment these are the only ones devices that use something like that. Vodafone Romania has created a website dedicated to all those who want to know when micro-SIMs will be available, so if you are a vodafone customer you can go to https://www.vodafone.ro/microsim and sign up for the list of waiting.

On the other hand, we could draw the conclusion that Vodafone could even sell iPad or iPhone 4 in Romania, but there are no certain details in this regard, anyway I for one would be very happy if there were at least 2 Romanian operators that would market the iPhone because competition is always beneficial, especially for us!

How many of you would like to see iPhone 4 or iPad at Vodafone?

UPDATED : I asked the people from Vodafone if they will sell the iPhone in Romania and the answer was the one in the picture. So, the wait continues.


  1. Din ce surse am eu in Vodafone se auzise ca contractul de excusivitate al celor de la Orange se apropia de sfarsit, Vodafone dorind sa comercializeze si ea iPhone.Nu stiu cat de adevarat este dar ar fi foarte bine daca ar exista si al 2lea vanzator major pe piata.Ar fi bine pt cei care sunt abonati Vodafone si ar dori un iPhone sa poata beneficia si ei de garantie la el.Cunosc o persoana care a cumparat un iPhone de la Orange si a fost la garantie cu el de 4 ori in mai putin de un an,deci beneficiile ar fi excelente pt care vor iPhone si sunt abonati Vodafone

  2. woohoo, super veste, eu sunt pe vodafone

    m-am inscris pe lista deja. Ar fii super lovitura de imagine ca vodafone sa inceapa sa comercializeze iphone/ipad

  3. btw inscrieti-va cat mai multi chiar daca sunteti sau nu pe vodafone, probabil asta e ca un fel de sondaj sa vada cati sunt interesati ca Vodafone sa comercializeze iphone, daca se merita sau nu a se face pasul asta.. deci go ahead si bagati cat mai multe mailuri

    eu am bagat 5 😀

  4. eu nu cred ca o sa comercializeze vodafone Iphone…cel putin nu la noi! altfel am fi stiut deja…nu credeti? ar fi frumos, dar nu cred!

  5. eu nu cred ca vadofone va comercializa iphone,orange a prelungit contractul cu cei de la apple(vor vinde si ipad) si pana la inceputul lui iulie vor exista microsimuri si la orange(iphone 4 se va comercealiza la orange romania de la inceputul lunii septembrie).stima