The white iPhone 4 model will be brought by Santa Claus

At least that's what Steve Jobs is trying to suggest in his reply to the e-mail sent by a person who wanted to know when Apple plans to release the white model of the iPhone 4. Apple should have released this model in the summer but postponed it about 3 times the launch and the latest news announced that the terminal would be available by the end of the year. More precisely, Steve Jobs said that the white model would be available for Christmas, so Apple will probably be "Santa" this year and bring a white gift in the form of an iPhone 4.

Here is the email sent to Steve Jobs:

Hello Steve, My name is Nathan, I'm a high school student from San Bernardino. I also happen to be one of your biggest fans and a total Apple fanboy and proud to be.
I've been saving up money to buy the new iphone 4. I want the white one but Apple said it won't be available until later this year. I know you must be asked this question hundreds of times a day but do you think we can expect to get the white iPhone for xmas?
I hope you can answer. Thank you Steve.

And the answer:

Christmas is later this year.

I for one would remain circumspect because Apple could announce a new "postponement" even in the winter season.