A Swede's house is on fire, the burned iMac works without problems

Apple is recognized for the quality of its products and story of a man in Sweden whose house burned almost completely is a good example for this statement. So, a man from Sweden almost completely burned down his house, but an iMac survived the tragedy and although certain areas of the device were melted, it worked without problems. The man claims that the iMac works without problems even though certain areas of it have melted due to the heat, the power cord is partially melted and the device has been subjected to extremely high temperatures. The man says that after the fire he tried to open the iMac and to his surprise it turned on, the speakers were working, the mouse was working and on his partially burned iMac he managed to read an article from a newspaper that told about the fire that damaged his house.

"Unfortunately, the whole house and all things in there were completely destroyed, so even the iMac. What's funny is that it is still in operation. While damaged from smoke and dust and partially melted, but still, however in operation. After I plugged in the burnt power cord and wiped off the worst dust from the screen I pressed the melted start button. Imagine my surprise when the startup sound sings from the speakers! The screen turns on and the machine connects to the wireless network. The mouse works flawlessly and the scroll wheel as well. Firefox starts and I take up the article from the local magazine about the fire... Fantastic!"

The story is truly incredible and it's amazing to see a product working after going through a fire. You can find more pictures here.


  1. pentru ca, si citez din viitor :))) : “here, at Apple, it is all about our customers and their happiness” …ce naibii, 2000 de coco pentru asa reclama e nimic pentru ei 😀 …ii iau si mobila de la Ikea, ca tot e magazinul dupa coltz

  2. La fiecare articol scris de zaone, un comment tampit. Yeeeeeeeey DjCultus. In fine, am aflat din comment ca dansul are un macbook air, si casa lui valoreaza mai putin ca acesta.
    PS. Sa moara dev-team, traiasca chronic, dar sa moara si ei ca au facut untether ptr 4.2.1 intr-o saptamana. Geohot ne salveaza, atat am inteles din toate commenturile lui. DjCultus omule faci spam !!!

  3. @zaone de ce nu te rezumi doar la zona de informatii tehnice, lasa stirile astea aka libertatea / click / cancan ….sau cel putin pune-le in forum, serios acum zaone.ro e cel mai bun site cu stiri despre idevices si actualizat constant de ce sa il strici ?!?

  4. Incerc sa mai diversific stirile, despre Mac-uri am mai scris. Mi s-a parut mai interesanta treaba asta decat un tweak din Cydia care te lasa sa schimbi melodiile din butoanele de volum.

  5. @ 9. bodoo69
    Nu sunt deacord cu tine!.
    Mie personal imi plac aceste stirii, eu unul nu am jailbreak si nu ma intereseaza sa vad daor articole “tweak din Cydia care te lasa sa schimbi melodiile din butoanele de volum” 🙂
    Modul cum se desfasora actualul Zaone este mai bun decat oricand.
    Singurul lucru care nu il inteleg e Titlul siteului :)). de la ce vine ?

  6. NB2010 te-am bagat in seama cumva ….sau suferi de bagare de seama ! Se “nasc” uni incompetenti care din lipsa de subiect la articol “hai sa ne luam de unu si de altu ” ! Fuck u bah asta 😉 ! Stai in banca ta si axeaza-te pe articolul ce iti este adus in fatza ! Zaone ia frate masuri ca sunt satul de atatia idioti ce spameaza acest site prea ok 🙂
    PS:@alin tanks dude !

  7. matrix…lol…ce funny sună (mai era unu pe aici: zaFirst)

    @DjCultus o sa primeasca un macbook nou ori de la asigurare, ori de la Apple. (e totusi America, nu romania)

    si calculiciu asta din imagine o sa ajunga la cateva mii de “bătrâne” (sau cum era expresia ca nu mai stiu) pe ebay.com (cel putin, la cata reclama i s-a facut, eu l-as pune)