WWDC 2011 could be a disappointment without the iPhone 5

American analyst Gene Munster stirs little water in the US saying that WWDC 2011 could be a disappointment and that they expect quite a few things from the Apple conference. The company seems to have focused everything around iOS and Mac OS X, but Munster expects to see the famous "one more thing" that could be the new iPhone model. Of course, we can just as easily be left without an iPhone 5 at WWDC, but I think that half of those waiting for the conference are more interested in the iPhone than in the news from iOS 5 or what Mac OS X Lion will bring. iPhone terminals sell best, not Macs, so not announcing a new model now could represent a wrong move for Apple.

Munster is of the opinion that the new functions of iOS 5 could "save the situation" at WWDC 2011, but until the release of a new iPhone model we will not be able to enjoy everything. A little over 11 days separate us from WWDC 2011 and I for one am more than curious to find out what Apple has prepared for us this time.