Here's how an Apple logo shaved into your head can bring you a meeting with Steve Jobs

     The image above is real and represents an Apple logo that Allen Paltrow and he did it especially to show how much he loves the products of the Cupertino company. Allen was and still is a die-hard fanboy, but the logo above brought him a meeting with Steve Jobs, an invitation to the opening of the Apple store on 5th Avenue, New York, and a tour of the Apple headquarters in Cupertino. Being a big fan of Apple products and being much too young to realize what he was doing, Allen shaved the company logo on his head and sent the picture in an email to Steve Jobs. The CEO of Apple directed him to the head of the PR department who thought it would be good to invite the boy to the opening of the store in New York for a little publicity of course.

Growing up I was a huge apple fan-boy (fine, still am.) The first NY apple store in Soho opening was probably the coolest thing that happened to me between the ages 6 and 12. For a while I would spend almost every weekend there. Every year for Halloween I was a Mac, and I made a habit of shaving the Apple logo into my head to celebrate every OS launch.

      There he met the founder of the Apple company, shook hands with him, did not wash for several weeks, a typical American story. What needs to be understood here is that if you love a company and its products long enough, you will eventually get to know the person who runs it. Allen is 19 years old now, he studies at Princeton, he no longer shaves the Apple logo on his head, but he still loves the company's products.