iPhone 5 launched on October 15 according to the president of France Telecom

      The president of France Telecom said recently in an interview TV that iPhone 5 will be launched by the Apple company on October 15 in only a few countries in the world. France Telecom is one of the largest companies in the world owning the Orange mobile operator that operates in several countries around the globe. England and France are only two of the countries where Orange is present and the iPhone 5 will almost certainly be launched in both countries right from the first wave, so the president of France Telecon would be more than well informed about this launch.

     Of course, he does not specify if he knows this date from Apple or if he is just guessing, but in the past he has provided valid information about other moves by the company from Cupertino. Even so, October 15 is on a Saturday, a day on which Apple does not launch iPhone terminals, so we will probably witness a launch on the 14th in Apple stores and the 15th in mobile phone operator stores. The date offered by the president of France Telecom matches the rumors that indicated a launch in mid-October, now we just have to wait for the actual launch.