iPhone 4S - 1800 euros if you want it today!

  Yesterday the iPhone 4S was officially launched in several countries around the world and today it has already arrived in Romania at several sellers but not in stores. Although evoMAG says that it will be the first store in Romania to bring it, at the moment you can buy an iPhone 4S if you have at least 1550 euros available to spend. This is the price for which some dealers sell it computergames forum and I have to admit, as much as I would like an iPhone, I would rather get a MacBook Air for that money instead of an iPhone, whatever it is.

  Of course, the 1500 GB version costs 32 euros because the 64 GB version costs about 1750 euros at the moment. I have to admit that last year the iPhone 4 was cheaper and even though this year the economy is doing worse, here are the smart guys inflating the prices hoping to catch someone desperate enough to buy the device at that price. If you buy a return ticket to England/France/Germany and go to an Apple store, you pay approximately the same money for the purchase of an iPhone than if you pay 1550 euros for it in Romania.