Apple's January event is related to iBooks

   Last night I told you that Apple will organize a media event in New York at the end of next month and that it will most likely not be related to the launch of any iDevice. Well those from TechCrunch they managed to find out what Apple is planning to do then and it seems that it would be about an event related to iBooks and the way multimedia content is published through iTunes. The iPad 3 or a new TV won't make an appearance at an event held by an Apple vice president, so don't be under any illusions that you'll see them there.

According to the source the event will not involve any hardware and instead will focus on publishing and eBooks (sold through Apple's iBooks platform) rather than iAds. Attendance also be more publishing industry-oriented than consumer.

The event will unveil improvements to the iBooks platform according to the same source, and is not "major."

   The conference for the iPad 3 presentation will most likely take place in March or perhaps in February, on Steve Jobs' birthday.