Intel is trying to convince Apple to use Atom Medfield processors in iPhones

   A few days ago we presented the performance of the new Atom Medfield chips produced by Intel for smartphones and tablets. Basically, we are talking about single-core processors that are faster than the dual-core processors available in smartphones on the market and the difference in performance is considerable. Now those from Intel they straightened looks towards the most popular manufacturer of mobile terminals, Apple. Intel wants to convince those from Apple to give up their partnership with ARM and implement Atom Medfield processors in their own iDevices. For now, Intel has chosen to launch its processors on the Android platform, but it is also discussing a possible partnership with those from Apple.

   Although those from Apple will not soon give up the partnership with ARM and Samsung, a change could be auspicious. Atom Medfield processors are more efficient, consume less energy and would give Apple the opportunity to abandon Samsung for the production of future chips. It is extremely possible that Apple will test iDevices with processors built on the Medfield platform, but whether the launch of such devices will be auspicious, we will probably find out in the coming years.


  1. @ mirel: si eu consider la fel.
    Este o buna strategie de marketing si mai ales publicitate gratuita.
    Pana la urma si din certurile dintre producatori poate aparea concurenta si implicit performanta.

  2. Problema e ca aplicatiile pe iOS sunt facute sa ruleze pe arhitectura ARM, in timp ce atom e de tip x86. Nu stiu cat de compatibile ar fi si daca ar putea sa ruleze nativ pe x86.

  3. @Claudiu: aplicatiile nu sunt facute sa ruleze ‘doar’ pe arhitectura ARM. Cand se dezvolta o aplicatie iOS aceasta are in spate un compilator pe intructiuni native si API de x86.
    iar iOS pentru iphone/ipad nu este decat o ramura/fork/branch whatever de OS x – au practic acelasi kernel.

  4. 😀 😀 ce va bucurati ca s-ar putea sa fie procesoare intel pe iphone si ipad si ca asa o sa “rupa” pe samsung, 😀 apple a ramas in urma samsung are deja tableta cu i5 :D. Cautati si voi Samsung Windows 8 Developer Preview Tablet.

  5. not gonna happen! :)) inca n-ati vazut ce poate urmatorul chip ARM care cel mai probabil urmeaza sa fie implementat in urmatoarele iDevice-uri!